should we be on point or dancing in the streets? i say on point...while dancing in the street, i lost 4 friends on 9-11. i believe the may rest in peace now

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We definatly need to stay on point...hell the soldiers names of the unit who fired the shot that killed Bin Laden shouldnt be publish due to the threat that they could be a target...but for god sakes we can all be happy and celibrate this Tremendous victory!!!!

Lets stay on point stay safe and keep pushing forward...

But lets some raise some glasses and flags while we do it

God bless and Stay Safe
agree,i can see something comming. i would bet the military is on pins and needles
With the jubilation here in NYC is a more heightened sense of awareness.
People like Bin Laden will always be around, so for that we should always stay sharp, however it is great to see that he paid for his crimes.
i think we need to stay alert but i personally dont think they are going to retaliate i think its time for us to remove troops from over there our oil prices are dropping and the value of the dollars is increasing just since weve killed osama so i dont expect relatialtion
i think we have something comming back that may eclipse 9-11. I heard an army
colonel say once that the US measures their success in how many we DO NOT kill in an operation. Terrorists measure theirs in how many THEY DO kill.

Personally i wonder who the next "bin laden" will be and what does he have on "his" mind. in my book there is allways another hitler.
I agree william, keep the names and id's of those remotely involved out of the press. STAY ALERT...simply put, we cannot trust that this is over in any way. We now made him a symbol/reason to rage Jihad. Live by the sword, die by it. To fellow Military family and friends....job well done. BE CAREFUL!!!!!!
Al Qaeda will want to demonstrate to the world that they are still in business. Best stay alert. Scorecard: Obama 1, Osama 0
"The airstrikes on Saturday night killed a son and three grandchildren of Colonel Qaddafi, according to the government, which accused the NATO coalition powers of "a direct operation to assassinate the leader of this country" in violation of international law." Then Osama gets wacked, and which one dominates the news? NATO breaking international law by attempting to assassinate a leader OR Osama magically dying days earlier and getting buried at sea?

Expect Retaliation? Absolutely...Sure, hes 'dead', but from that one individual, how many others are now wishing to fill his void with the beliefs he has taught? Brothers and sisters, we, are on the front lines back at home, and we need not forget that. Be safe out there and, while we have need to celebrate, dont let your guard down and Never Forget the 343!
Unfortunately Bin Laden will probably be more of a problem dead than alive. Now he is a Martyr and there will be a lot of Fundamentalists out to avenge his Martyrdom. Stand by for a rocky ride!
We should expect retaliation. Nothing should change that.

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