We recently finished the 2007 which is photographed in the center  of the picture I was looking for some feed back on what other members or non-members thought of the unit. If you guys don't mind expressing your concerns or coments it would be nice.



Jake Moomau


Truck specs. right to left

2005 chevy 2500hd 6.0liter gas

300 gal poly tank with 10 gal. foam tank

18 h.p. honda

whelen liner 500 lower level lighting

led light bar

1.5"rear preconnect

hard line hose reel

front mount remote monitor


2007 chevy 3500hd 6.0Liter gas

250 gal poly tank with 10 gal. foam tank

18 h.p. honda

whelen liner 500 lower level lighting

code 3 2100x light bar

1.5" rear preconnect

hardline hose reel

front mount remote monitor


2003 chevy 2500 h.d. 6.0liter gas

250 gal poly tank with 10 gal foam tank

18.h.p honda

whelen liner 500 lower lever lighting

whelen strobe bar

1.5" rear preconnect

hardline hose reel

front mount monitor


All of the trucks share a warn winch which is normal stowed in a toolbox to prevent theft

All of the trucks Suspension has been hardend( overload springs) to allow for more stable handling when loaded.

None of these trucks were bought new due to the fact a new chasis cost 30k or better and we have no more than 10 wrapped up in any individual chasis and no more than 35k in a total unit

bumpers were custom built by local machine shop(information available)


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Good looking rigs. You guys must be proud. Ours are all 4 wheel drive. And our pumps are wildland pumps that produce high pressure, up to 165 psi. We added Foam Pro portable foam units on ours. We just put them in line when we're mopping up. We never have to flush the system.
I have said and wish my county would buy units like those. Its a waste to have a pickup bed on a brush truck because they get dented up. Our dept spent money on body work to keep ours looking good then they went and let the county buy two pickups one at a time for us. Both were put through hell going into the woods and coming out. The one we have now really shows the dents and needs body work but it will retire down the road and be sold as is.
sorry norm forgot to put on here that they are 4x4s with automatic transmisions.
We can run up to about 150psi. As far as the foam goes we use f-500 series foam which hasnt given us any problem in the pumps it is actualy supsose to be good for them as far as lubercation. We aslo have a 1990 ford f350 that is our ugly duckling that we take into the pine groves and get down and dirty it is also our "pullem out" truck with the largest winch which is rope not cable(saftey reasons) We regularly put in grant aplications for the slide in units(informaiton available) and if we get one the forestry service normaly pay 9999 out of 15k so we are stuck with a 6k bill. One thing I would like to say is that we spend as much of the cost localy as we can the beds are bought just up the road and as stated the bumpers are made at the local machine shop and two or three of us wire and equip the units tends to save several thousands of dollars
I think it is a great unit. I like how you have front mount remote monitors, just in case you have one person on the unit. What kind of monitors are they?
The units look great. Ijust have one question if you could adress for me , what nozzles are you using on the pre-connects and hard lines?
What do you have for support of these units? Allison automatics? Do you need 3? I would have to question a 10 grand truck with a 10 grand remote monitor.
That all sounds good except your mention of foam being good for the pump. Class A foam concentrate is a surfactent. Therefore it destroys lubricants and seals. Check with the manufacturer of your foam to make sure. If you have one that doesn't need to be flushed I'd like to know about it. Keep up the good work and stay safe.
we didnt go with diesels due to to the fact that we have some not so bright individuals that dont under stand how glow plugs work and after they cost us about 10 grand in engine repairs on our rescue we vowed never again on a p/u chassis... cost i think we came in under 35k on all of them and not sure what you mean by availability....please clarify
Yes durring the day when personel responce is limited we actualy can turn the monitor on constant spray and drive the fire line staying in the black the monitors are made by akron brass
they are just a foresty nozzel if you would like I can get you the exact specs
we have two 2500gal tanker/pumpers the transmision are just a standard chevy trany...as far as the three goes yes it allows for a unit to be down if nessary and multiple responses along with mutual aide and as the monitors go the were purchased on previous units in the late 90's and we have not upgraded them just had them overhauled so on that front I would assume they have paid for them selves
hey guys misspoke on the monitors they are by elkhart brass and are called "sidewinder"....idk why I had akron in my head for

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