i know weve been stocked up on brush calls all week.

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Depends on your definition of good. We were toned out for a smoke + fire alarms in a multi occupancy. Before FD arrived on scene sheriff's deputies got there and radioed in a working structure fire. FD arrived to find VERY heavy smoke showing. firefighters packed up and made entry to find no flames but some of the most burnt hot dogs in history on the stove. A search was conducted and the occupant was found unconcious on the floor. He was carried out of the home into the fresh air and started to come around. EMS took over care and with o2 and fresh air the patient started to come around. We ventilated the smoke, locked up the apartment and EMS transported the resident who was already looking better to the ER.

Seems to me that's probably about the best fire you could have. FD got there early enough to completely prevent flame damage, needed no water, and in all actuality probably saved a life with the quantity of smoke that was in the dwelling and at the end of the night everyone went home safe.
well, managua´s fire department had 4 fires in the biggest market in the country, within the last 10 days, and it starts looking suspicius..... the main issue battling this fires is the lack of water, and the acces to the stores which sometimes is more than 2 blocks away from where the engines can aproach...
Good fire calls, huh?
You mean the one's where property, valuables and sometimes life, is lost? Or the one's where home owners only lose their pets or something else that you might find trivial?
The only good fire I was at lately was in my own home. Nice cozy fire in the wood stove keeping my ass warm.

Maybe change the word to "busy" instead of "good". Or fires with a happy ending, like Eric's. You might be taken a little more seriousely. You're posting to a tough group of people in here who are at their wits end with certain forum activity. And seeing that you're new to FFN, I thought I would help you out some.
Anyhow, maybe check out the site some and go through some of the other forums to get a feel of things. Topics like the one you posted here never go over very well, and almost never end in a good way. I don't mean to come down on you, I'm just giving you a heads-up. Good luck and happy training.
Well we had a mutual aid call, for an airplane hanger fully involved. It had 3 planes in it and was a 5 alarm, sadly it was a total loss.
Negative, only two fire calls in a month, other med calls
I agree.. Most firefighters love the job, but last I knew, no such thing as a "good" fire call.I know what you mean by the words, and have even used them in the fire hall amongst other firefighters after a big or challenging event, but the words don't sound right in a forum like this. Some of the people reading it might have just come from a horrible scene of some type.
After all, when our tones go off, someone is having a real bad day...or worse. We are the people that get called to deal with the things others can't or will not expose themselves too. After 20 plus years as a very active volunteer, sometimes I think we are the idiots for doing it. It has an effect on all of us.. and not always good.
My faviorite saying is.....The worst day for someone else is the best day for firefighters.
Good fire calls, huh?
You mean the one's where property, valuables and sometimes life, is lost? Or the one's where home owners only lose their pets or something else that you might find trivial?
The only good fire I was at lately was in my own home. Nice cozy fire in the wood stove keeping my ass warm.

I was pretty much thinking the same thing. While we know what we mean, the public who read these boards may not. Choice of words can be a big issue....
This is the slowest I've seen it in months as far as fire activity. This year the department was going on a couple of fires every day it seemed. The last working fire in the city that I remember was a few days ago. Second story down: http://dcfd.com/

We've had plenty like Eric Gregory's but we don't put it down in the books as a fire unless it's big enough for a working fire dispatch to be called. Every department consider's an actual "fire" something different.
One thing would've been better, if he was standing there with a platter of hot dogs and some sodas for you guys...
well exciting interestuing fires is what i ment by "good:
i like that

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