should the color of fire apparatus be red or lime green? or does it matter? why or why not?

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White trucks are cool, but fire trucks have been red my hole life.... Call me old fasinon and stuck in the tradion.
ahh nice truck we have a 19--(52? i think) i cant remember now exactly the year but old anyway, American LaFrance ladder truck it is my favorite truck in the station right now i don't want to see it go but we are replacing it because of the age etc. i wish that we could still keep it but we won't :(
hahaha!!! i love that
oh yea! barberton fire! i did my ride time with them during paramedic school. great department, bunch of great guys. had a blast!
Beating another dead horse.....Paul
Until several months ago, I to thought that all fire trucks should be RED, RED and WHITE, OR some various colors of RED.
I have been misinformed for many years. I have learned that FIRETRUCKS, can vary in color just as much as a womens hair. Some like blondes, some like burnettes, it is all a matter of opion, and we all no the saying behind that.

I have attached a few photos that cover a broad range of colors, including a beautiful GREEN firetruck from Virigina.

enjoy, and remember, all girls need loving, no matter what color the hair............

I think the 1 above is pretty cool.
I was told by 1 guy that "There is a study that shows more red Fire apparatus have been involved in accidents than any other color"
I said " no kidding, probably because there are 10X as many red fire engines as any other color" Duh
I heard a study about people going to the hospital too.
People who walked into the ER themselves were more likely to come home alive than those brought in by an Ambulance.
Gee Imagine that.
Statistics can tell you anything you want them to.
I like Red, But If your Department has a different tradition thats cool too.
Ask a 4 year old what color is a fire engine. 9 times out of 10 I think they'll say RED
Keep having fun out there,
This is our new colors, 2 so far like this
I love them all red, blue, white, green yes even the overripe banana yellow!!! A firetruck is awesome no matter what color!!Ours are red though!!

Im waiting for a realtree camo fire truck
I think that whoever brings this subject up again should be banned from ever belonging to another Department.......

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