Ok you get issued a number when you join your department of course the chief is usually 101 asst. 102 and so forth 101-109 on our dept. is for officers  after that the numbers really dont matter. I noticed on other departments it may be different how does it work on yours? I am 116.

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Fire Cheif 310, Asst. Fire Cheif 311, Rescue Chief 312, Fire Capt. 313, Rescue Capt. 314, Fire Lt. 315. and mine Rescue Lt. 316
In our county the Whole-time (full-time Firefighters) have random numbers issued from 201 throught to 560 which stays throughout the time the Firefighter serves until they transfer to another county, leave for another reason or retires, this is then passed to a new recruit on joining, the On-call Firefighters (part-time Firefighters) are issued a new number when they 1st join which is never recirculated for example an on-call Firefighter joining in 1991 was issued a number 1922 the next 1993 and so on, now the probies are coming through with numbers in the 25's

I thought when the crew said, "you're number 1", they were acknowledging my position.

Apparantley not.....
On our dept. you are issued a number (1-25) when you join the chief is ONE my number 19
On our department, the officers are 100 (Chief), 101,102 (Asst. Chiefs), 103,104 (Capt), 105,106 (Lt), 108,109(Sgt). The members are from 110 - 159 and juniors are 160 and up. If an officer responds to the scene they respond as 10 and their unit number such as 1002. My number is 102
When I was a paid man for a Federal fire department my badge number was 4546. My badge number for the parish I am at now is 510 and my radio call sign while on duty is 500. The parish I volunteered at I had 901 for one district and 502 for another.
Mine is #66 the (little devil). No special reasons behind our numbers.
My Badge is 1240, the same one that has been carried by my family since 1944...infact, i wear the same badge as my grandfather was appointed with. When i was appointed in 1998 my Dad was still on and he was the holder of the 1240 till he retired in 2002 and passed it on to me. One day i hope to do the same to either my son or daughter.
My depart is located out of the Berkshires in MA our Depart is 750 and my number is firefighter#10 and thats my portable number. our number is our equipment number and accountablilty as well and seniority plays a part in it my chief is car1 assist chief is car 2 then the firefighters we have only 25 people on my depart stay safe everyone
I am number 15.
Our Chief is 1, deputy is 2.
Most captains are in the single digits... but that is not 'cast in stone'.

We have only one of each kind of truck so we just use "(Township name) Pumper/Tanker/etc".

A near-by town uses the year of manufacture for their multiple vehicles such as "(Town name) 98 Pumper and 08 Pumper" to diferentiate which vehicle is responding.
Don't know how I missed this discussion. I'm #1. (Trust me.)


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