How Many Departments Still Use 10 codes? Can You Talk to Police on Your Radios?

We were taught not to use 10 codes. Are dispatch still uses them to talk to PD so alot of our pages they use them. I know a few 1070 1050PI or 1050PD stuff like that. But it throws me for a loop at times. I feel like an idoit asking for the meaning on the radio but I do ask. I thought I should learn them But was told no by a chief officer on are department. He said they should not be using them anymore. We don't even have a up to date list anyway.

I did not think to be NIMS compliant they could be using them at dispatch?

I thought it was suppose to be Plain Language has something changed?


While on the radio subject we can not talk to any police dept. They did not want there talk groups on are radios. This is a sore spot with me. When paged we are all suppose to go to a tac channel. But the LEOs don't, They say they can't hear if another LEO calls for help somewhere else. We have to relay though central if there busy it takes time. I believe this will get someone hurt or killed someday praying I am wrong.

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We use plain language for any radio communication there are some that still use some basic 10 codes but for the most part everyone communicates using plain language it seem to be easier and certainly doesn't require any training or memorization reduces the risk of communicating the wrong information becuase the wrong code was used
PD almost always is paged with us but rarely respond unless it is a motor vehicle accident. If its a PD only accident they may still may not show in some cases.
Plain language as well. If we need the PD we just call dispatch, they relay or dispatch as needed.
A word about plain language: While it seemed every department had different 10 codes, in-house it was convenient because you were able to limit your transmissions. Now that we've gone plain language there are *those* who push the transmit button before they engage their brain, so we get to hear a lot of thinking out loud, um's and ah's and often just some general rambling while the person is trying to figure out what it is they want to say. We know who you are...please think before you transmit.
We run on the SO channel cause it is reapeted then once on scene we goto texfire 1 which is not reapeted . This county has 2 volunteer department that are both paged for ever call . The Sheriff is talking about updateing the radio licience and getting the fire departments a dedicated channel that will be a reapeted digital . which mean we have to get new digital pagers . We use some 10 code .
We don't use 10-Codes, but we have to know them because our Po-Pos refuse to stop using them and we share a dispatcher.

So we get toned out to a 10-70 (fire), a 10-50 (car accident), and the like, and we respond and call them what they are in plain language.

We ask for a Radio Check, and the dispatcher will tell us we're 10-4.

It's all kind like having a slow little brother who just can't quite grasp that things have changed...

Having to work with Police /Fire and Transit communications....
Police and Fire have migrated to Plain Text.....YAY!!
Transit......well..........still using their 10-codes, and their 10-codes are a whole heck alot different than Police and Fire. I still have to get out the cheat sheet to translate what their saying. I recently heard a DHS/EMD telecom tech doing a radio check on a digital system and said "You're 5X5"!!
we still use a lot of 10 codes but are trying to limit them, depends on who is dispatching us,if its the older dispatchers they tend to use them a lot and the newer dispatcher( just one new one) still uses english, and wecan talk to pd over S.O. prime. but for the most part our radios and pagers dont work in this area so we use cell phones a lot, like if i need pd i just call the pd units cell phone,we only have one cop on at a time, its a realy small town, and if we need to get ahold of dispatch for a non emergency reason we pick up the phone and call them or text the dispatcher,, but for the most part we all have a radio so we can communicate well, but for the most part its all 10 codes
NIMS doesn' t stop you from using them in your everyday response it just says dont for multiple juristictional response. And thankfully we have very good communication with all law enforcment agencies in our county.
OK, I can see that, I would say alpha side or delta side, but I can also see rare instances where someone might get confused by just catching a portion of the traffic. Granted IC would be the only one with overlapping traffic and from someone that has been there, I see a small problem.
Departments still using "codes" need to look beyond the end of your nose, outside your world, look at the big picture. Lets say you go on-scene with 50 other depts, going to give us handouts?? Common terminology is also not plain english, there my be some problems between north, south, east and west but for the most part english is the language and problems are worked out. You say you only need this for multi-agency/multi-jurisdictional events, do you train with 2 standards?? Codes came about for 1 reason, scanner land, and who cares if I'm going to a structure or car fire. Cops on the other hand are a different story, I don't think they will ever change, and I have no problem with asking them to repeat in english. I will admit 10-4 is a one I have trouble with.
"5x5" is a military term, mostly used by the Air Force, the say the receiver hears you loud and clear.

You're supposed to be using NIMS for everyday responses, too. NIMS does not just "kick in" when you have a multi-jurisdictional/multi-agency response!

The Core principles of NIMS are applicable for all responses, and if you're using the right terminology and protocols for every response you won't have to think about it when you do have a multi-agency response.


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