i know there is a Juniors Being Pulled From School to Go on Call post but what about seniors that are 18 years old? do they get to leave school for a call?

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When I was a senior in high school I did bring my pager to school with me and left it on vibrate. I would leave for calls but not just for any call it had to be a fire or a repage on a medical call. Is it a good thing no..I missed over 60 hours of class time that I had to make up to pass. Would I do it again ...yeah
we werent allowed to carry ours with us but if there were a bad accident or fire one of the officers called the school and said that we needed to leave....crazy thing is i got to leave school for a house fire....and the house on fire was one of my classmates!
as long as you make up your school work i dont see a problem with it. as long as it follows dept policy.
We werent allowed but nobody ever tried to stop me lol
you serious?
As a senior in high school, I was only 17 so I couldn't leave. But if a senior is 18 and is interior trained/certified, absolutely.
You're in school for a reason....and it isn't to respond to calls.
If your Department and School allows it and they have earned the right by maintaining their grades and attendance why not?
Exactly. You're a kid. Focus on school first because if you want to be a full-time fireman, it won't happen without school. When there's about 200 applicants for every 1 spot, it might not even happen with school. So get your education first. It's just a fire.
I carried my pager and left it on vibrate also and i only left once and that was for an apartment complex fire some of my teachers even told me i could leave it on scan
When I was an explorer department policy was that we werent allowed to go to the station for fires or other incidents between 6 am and 3 pm. They wanted us to focus on school and not worry about what was going on. They always told us if we missed a fire that there was always going to be more, so there wasnt a need for us to leave our education to get to one. Like a few have said focus on your education because even though learning never stops in the fire service high school education doesnt last forever.
Why should you be allowed to leave class or school for that matter for a fire call? You aren't that important and the are other firefighters and companies there to respond.

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