I consider myself a utility person.....I feel like I can be plugged in anywhere and do a good job. I have been assigned to engine companys, truck companies, and ridden heavy rescues.
If I am going to a fire as a firefighter then I like to be on the truck.....if I am acting in charge I would rather be on the engine.
The trucks do alot of fun stuff but are at the whim of the engines. If the engine officer is a moron or a jerk and doesnt leave the front of the building for the truck then they gotta suck it up and deal so its very little fireground decision making (at least in my FD). Were as the engine officer is in control of everything especialy if they are first in until the battalion arrives. So like I said for the opportunity to do work I like the truck, but if I am in charge of a rig I prefer the engine.
Definitely Hose...We were always an engine company (volunteer). Went for a cover up decades ago and the station was tripled pulled, An engine co (2 engines) a rescue co and finally a ladder co.(engine & ladder) the Chief was standing out front looking up and down the hwy. He had a crew for one or the other so we became his engine. My first time over 24 feet except fire school.