Just curious.



Still defending his actions?

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Is that anywhere near the intersection of Banger and Leaver streets?
Figures. I had a feeling he deleted it rather than continue the flogging. Then he chimes in with his continued abrasive attitude.
And that's not why I posted this topic in the first place. Was just curious as to what happened to it.

If most of you don't mind, I'm going to delete this thread. Sound off if you think otherwise.
What is the purpose of deleting a thread?
All we'd do is just end up piling on the guy again.
Without the original post he had put up about running stop signs, disregarding the police and bragging about it; this thread is kinda moot.
If you make comments about him being a "troll", I'm sure he would have something to say about it. Which would lead to more "piling on". How 'bout we just go off the air - especially with the insults - but leave the thread right where it is. Personally, I prefer to have my comments on a thread left alone. (For better or worse).
Noted. Edited. And done!
I wasn't really trying to egg him on.

And I hear ya about having comments left alone. Been on that end a few times on these threads when the OP doesn't like what they're hearing.
Egg me on? and people say I act juvenile.... I only insult thoughs who insult me first. I do not start the arguments I just finish them....
No, Dave, you don't. You don't have that power, nor apparently do you have the ability.
Game, set, and God willing.... match!

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