because we rnot full time thats why we just risk our lives the same as paid

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Yes and look where those grades got me...Hmmmmmmm working 50+ hours a week, volunteering at a local FD, and taking class every night of the week....MAN IM ROLLING IN THE GOOD LIFE. HAHAHAHA

I rest my case. ;-)

I sometimes look at the bloke down the road sitting on a ride-on mower all day and think, "Yep, there's not too much stress there..."
I will say when you are in a hurry or doing something else you may not know you are misspelling. I know I did in my reply and after you look later on you wish you could get back into it and correct it.
I still think though that this is more a case of ignorance than malice.

I definately go with ignorance then.
Haha... believe me, it's no better as a paid guy. I actually think we have it worse sometimes depending where you work. I've been called every name in the book. There's a lot of racism out there. As a volunteer, this doesn't happen as much because most of the crime-filled, poor areas where this happens are in larger cities. When I work in the ghetto as a white guy, they don't always want me there. Our media jumps all over us for everything and definitely makes us look bad at times. The media is EVERYWHERE in the nation's capitol. So it doesn't get any better if you're paid. Same story, just different problems.
Same for the surrounding cities and counties in Virginia and Maryland near DC.
I'm in a very affluent suburb, when we've had to block the road with the engine for an MVA, people get down right pissy. I've been called names more than once. I charm em with my smile and offer to get a cop to discuss it with them. Funny, they never seem to want to talk to cops. Usually they offer up a one-finger salute and lay on their horn as they drive off, another way. Simple pleasures.
Yep. The media in this region is ridiculous.
Ya gotta love it!
Haha. Yea that can be annoying. Little different situation though. People like that are fun. When the guy's some gangbanger that looks like he's going to kill you it stops being fun.
Yeah I can't even imagine. Most I've had to deal with are angry and/or distracted drivers aiming their $60,000 status symbol at me. Guess I've gotten comfortable with rich and quiet.
Volunteer, Volunteer and Volunteer. Many people volunteer to be a firefighter some are paid some are not. Some are good some are not, some do it for the love some do not, some do it for a job some do it for selfworth, some do it for the status, some do it to work thier fannies off, some do it to sit on recliners, some are realistic some are naive, some have the right mind set, some are closed minded, The fire service is not perfect because people die. Our society does not enjoy seeing fatalities firefighters or civilian. But because of the volatility of fire and other emergencies the fire service requires a certain type of individual. Many things changed because we were killing firefighters, rightfully expected. But what also changed in our society is the Y generation. "What are you gonna do for me". Instead of being rewared for good work, now some people want rewards for making an effort with low results. We will continue to seeing tragedies in our profession if we do not wake up. It should be about logical ideas, not emotional opinions..
Wait a minute!!! I just had a thought!!! Maybe the reason we're not recognized for our work is that we're WEARING MASKS!!! half the time!! No wonder nobody can recognize us!!

That's it! From now on, I'm not wearing that stupid mask any more!! Because if no one can tell who I am, I won't get any medals or stuff. Or a new radio and lights for my car!!

And pretty soon, I'll be MUCH to famous for THIS crappy place!!!

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