i was wondering how other dept.choose or pick their officers.on our dept.our chief picks his officers so plese give me your input.

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As Fire Chief hired by the Mayor and City Council I appoint and select my Officers.
Our officers are elected by active members
You wait your turn until you have the proper time in rank, and take a test. If you pass, you then go on the promotion list, based on how well you did on the test and when you took it. When a slot opens up and you are next on the list, you go before a promotion board or something and either get the promotion or not.
Not wanting to start anything here
Yes you do and this is not the place for it.

We also have a nominating committee who asks existing position holders if they still want the position. Usually they retain it but if not, nominations are taken off the floor and voted on. Nobody is designated, everyone gets voted into an officer's position, including the Chief.
We have qualifications that must be met before you can be nominated for office. Elections take place every two years. We nominate at our Feb. meeting and have elections at our March meeting. All actvie members can vote, but you must be present. We do not allow absentee ballots.
User warned. That is all :)
The firefighters in our dept pick the officers.
Myself and my Asst. Chief are appointed by the County EMA Director/County Fire Chief, the 1st 2nd and 3rd Captain are elected by the membership and Lts are appointed by myself. The officers all must be qualified for the position that they hold by perimitters set in county guidelines.
I am the Chief and I pick my officers. Ultamately the way I see it they pick themselves. By their leval of responsibility, service, heart an willingness to serve a person shows me that they are someone who I need and want to stand along beside me to strive for the goal. Yes, I select and single out people to become my Officers. Over time I entrust firefighters with trust and responsibility to see what they do with it. I have two Asst Chiefs (one full time paid and the other volunteer) and 4 Captains. I use a Lieutenents position usually to train my Officers. Some only may be there for a while and drop back or they may move up from there. Its just what they prove to me. Currently all my Officer have been in those positions for many years an I have no need to add to the numbers. However, I am always working and mentoring to see who is interested and who I can entrust whether I am llooking for Officers or not. Its about all of us working as a team to get the job done. The job gets done whether I as Chief are there or not. I am honored by their loyalty, support and trust they have in me. THAT IS EARNED!!!
Our officers are nominated and voted on by active and life members.
Well... it seems appropriate to share my side of what is involved in my world compared to yours. From what I can see, its really no different except that in order to promote and to be competitive, you had to have taken the Fire Company and Chief Officer Command and Management training that is literally weeks. Throw in Fire Prevention and there is roughly nine weeks of training. Add hazmat and you can add four weeks for hazmat technician and two more weeks for hazmat specialist. Now if you want to also do the instructor series, that is another seven weeks of classes at the state fire academy in Monterey, CA. It's a week long trip away from home, on your own dime by the way for all the classes. I'm just touching on the surface but again, in order to be competitive and to be proficient in your job, you just have to plan on doing nothing for the rest of your career but go to school. For what it's worth, I took all the above classes and did promote, coming out number two on the promotional list. When there are three openings and 45+ people competing for the job, the stakes are high. You better be prepared to do some serious competing with some absolute professionals.

Once you have gotten through the non-biased and monitored testing process, both didactic, oral board and scenarios role playing, you then get to got to the "Chief's Oral Board". This is reserved for only the top ten candidates. This is where, for us, the "rule of 10's" applies. What is this? It's no different than any of the other responses here on this discussion post regarding how officers are chosen. It's typically the Fire Chief that makes the final call. Period. So... none of us are really that much different, are we?

Have a great week,

Our officers are selected every two years by nomination and democratic vote of members.

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