More than 100 FREE online training classes...Interested?

I have been on a quest to find as many free online training classes I can for over a year. To date, I have taken over 100 online courses and have received certificates in all of them but that is just the tip of the iceberg of what I have found available. I am currently in the process of enrolling in a degree program through Columbia Southern University (online), and know that many of the certificates I have received from these online training classes will be accepted for college credit.


I have decided, at the request/suggestion of another FFN member (Captain Busy) to post all the website links I have found, so that all of my friends and fellow firefighters can benefit from the time I have spent researching these sites.


Enjoy the list and let me know what you think or if there are any courses you may be interested in that I do not have listed. Never know I may just be able to find them for you. Happy studying!!! Be careful and stay safe out there!

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Thanx Tammy. I definitely prefer having an instructor in front of me for questions but these are an awesome way to amplify that. One can never learn enough. Also I have a fair amount of free time at work on the midnight shift and this is a good way to fill it. Keep the links coming and thanx again.
Hey, I have an idea... I bet you the programs that I come up with far outweigh any recent changes that you feel you are missing out on. Maybe I should send you some training programs that you in turn could share with the local fire department folks. It's all about making you look good Brian. What do you say we blow some people away? Who's to know that one of your buddies is an old fire captain with a large bag of tricks?

Hey Captain Busy, I would love to see some of those programs...
Sounds like a good plan to me Cap. As for my local dept... well.. not so sure. You know, as crazy as it might sound, there is a definite possibility that people still discriminate in this wonderful world of emergency services. lol Hell, I tried to return to service in whatever capacity I could while I am waiting for my operation. I can still drive and pump, (the fire truck) lol, training programs, pre-incident planning is my fav. etc etc.. but, for some strange reason, some fire departments still insist that they hire guys with working lungs! go figure lol so the chief said no. you are useless to us. Maybe me and you should chat! and anyone else for that matter that wants in. I could use some help for sure!
Well, I am so happy that I have been able to help others by posting these sites. Please if you haven't already done so, forward a link to this discussion to your friends so they may benefit as well....

University of Minnesota: School of Public Health
***Use the following link to go directly to the registration page, otherwise it is a little tricky to find,
Online Courses & Trainings
A Glimpse into Occupational Health and Safety
A Nurse's Guide to Children's Agricultural Safety
Application of Surveillance Principles to Food Safety
Chemical Hazard Awareness for Public Health Workers
Chemical and Biological Workplace Hazards
Community Healthcare Disaster Planning in Minnesota
Competency Mapping Guide: Bioterrorism/Emergency Preparedness
Contact Investigation (Public Health Emergency Training Series)
Contact Investigation Skill Development Guide
Control Strategies for Chemical or Biological Hazards
Control Strategies for Physical Hazards
Crisis Intervention during Disaster (Public Health Emergency Training Series)
Culture and Health Literacy: Beyond Access
Culture and Health Literacy: Case Studies
Decontamination (Public Health Emergency Training Series)
Dirty Bomb! After the Blast
Disaster in Franklin County: A Public Health Simulation
Disease Surveillance (Public Health Emergency Training Series)
Disease Surveillance Skill Development Guide
Emergencies R Us: What's the Big Deal? Kristine M. Gebbie
Genomics: The Connection to Public Health Practice (Online)
Healers' Healing and Resiliency in the Aftermath of Disaster
Health Promotion and Adult Education
Healthcare Response to a Pandemic: Ethical Resource Allocation During a Pandemic
Healthcare Response to a Pandemic: Issues of Space, Staff and Stuff
History of Occupational Health and Safety
Implementing Incident Management in Your Health Care Facility
Introduction to Biostatistics
Introduction to Biostatistics 2: Variables
Introduction to Business Continuity Planning for Disasters and Emergencies
Introduction to Epidemiology
Introduction to Ethical Frameworks for Public Health Emergencies and Disasters
Introduction to Management in Public Health
Isolation and Quarantine (Public Health Emergency Training Series)
Issues and Trends in Occupational Health and Safety
Legal Implications for Public Health Professionals in Emergencies
Mass Dispensing Sites: A Primer for Volunteers (online)
Mass Fatalities (Public Health Emergency Training Series)
Minnesota Disaster Response: Lessons Learned in 2007
Minnesota Responds Medical Reserve Corps: An Online Orientation for Volunteers
NIMS and ICS: A Primer for Volunteers (online)
Oh, The Places You'll Go:Providing Care in Non-Traditional Settings During an Emergency
Outbreak at Watersedge
Personal Protective Equipment (Public Health Emergency Training Series)
Personal and Family Emergency Preparedness
Planning for and Engaging Special Population in Emergency Preparedness
Population Perspectives: Labor
Population Perspectives: Women in the Trades
Preparing Employees for a Disaster in the Workplace
Program Development
Program Evaluation
Protecting Our Food System from Intentional Attack(Online/CD)
Psychological Issues Following Disasters
PubH: EHO-Food Safety
PubH: EHO-Housing
PubH: EHO-Land
PubH: EHO-Pest Control
PubH: EHO-Water Supply and Waste Water
PubH: EHO-Workplace
PubH: Introduction to Environmental Health Online
PubH: EHO-Air Supply and Pollution
Public Health Policy and Advocacy
Radiological Hazard Awareness for Public Health Workers
Recognition/Assessment: Health Assessment and Employee Selection
Risk Communication: Public Engagement in Public Health Practice
Special Populations (Public Health Emergency Training Series)
Special Populations Skill Development Guide
The Ethics of Public Health Emergencies: The Case of Pandemic Flu
The Off-Site Care Facility-An Alternate Care Site: A Primer for Volunteers
Theory and Practice of Occupational Health and Safety
Unsafe Acts/Unsafe Conditions
What is Public Health?
Zoonoses (Public Health Emergency Training Series)

I do have a question for anyone that would like to answer...does listing the "Titles" of courses offered on each site make more sense then making individual listings based on particular subject areas? LOL, not to sound lazy but this format for posting links is much easier and makes more sense to me, but that is just my opinion. Let me know what you think....Thanks everyone for your interest & Happy studying!!!
tammy thanks for the links
Thanks Tammy!! That was verry nice of you to post the classes!!!!
Nice work Tammy Let me know where you end up "parking" your list here on FFN.
I know most everyone already knows about this site but they do change & update courses from time to time.

National Fire Academy/FEMA/Dept. of Homeland Security
Alternative Water Supply: Planning and Implementing Programs (Q217)

Applied Research Self Study (Q123)

Awareness of Command and Control Decision making at Multiple Alarm Incidents (Q297)

Coffee Break Training

Community Safety Educators (Q118)

Emergency Response to Terrorism (Q534)

EMS Operations at Multi-Casualty Incidents (Q157)

Fire Service Supervision (Q318)

Hydraulic Calculations for Water-Based Fire Protection Systems Plan Review (Q137)

ICS-100, Introduction to ICS for Operational First Responders (Q462)

ICS-200, Basic NIMS ICS for Operational First Responders (Q463)

ICS-300, Intermediate All-Hazard NIMS ICS Review for Expanding Incidents (Q464)

ICS-400, Fundamentals Review for Command and General Staff (Q466)

ICS Simulation Series: Casper Hall Dorm Fire (Q327)

ICS Simulation Series: Ranch House Fire (Q324)

ICS Simulation Series: Mansion Fire (Q326)

ICS Simulation Series: Nursing Home Fire (Q424)

ICS Simulation Series: Strip Mall Hostage/Arson Fire (Q328)

ICS Simulation Series: Townhouse Fire (Q325)

ICS Simulation Series: Wildland Fire (Q617)

National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) 5.0 Self-Study (Q494)

S-130 (Wildland) Firefighter Training (Q901)

S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior (Q900)

Testing and Evaluation of Water Supplies for Fire Protection (Q218)

Water-Based Fire Protection Systems Plan Review: The History of Sprinklers
This is another FEMA website I am sure most are familiar with:

FEMA/Emergency Management Institute/Dept/ of Homeland Security

Course Name: Emergency Manager: An Orientation to the Position
Course Code: IS-1
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Radiological Emergency Management
Course Code: IS-3
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: An Introduction to Hazardous Materials
Course Code: IS-5.a
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: A Citizen's Guide to Disaster Assistance
Course Code: IS-7
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Building for the Earthquakes of Tomorrow: Complying with Executive Order 12699
Course Code: IS-8.a
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Animals in Disaster, Module A: Awareness and Preparedness
Course Code: IS-10
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Animals in Disaster, Module B: Community Planning
Course Code: IS-11
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Special Events Contingency Planning for Public Safety Agencies
Course Code: IS-15.a
CEUs: 0.4
College Credits: n/a

Course Name: FEMA EEO Employee Course
Course Code: IS-18
CEUs: 0.1
College Credits: n/a

Course Name: FEMA EEO Supervisor Course
Course Code: IS-19
CEUs: 0.2
College Credits: n/a

Course Name: Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness
Course Code: IS-22
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 55)

Course Name: Guide to Points of Distribution
Course Code: IS-26
CEUs: 0.4
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 102, IS 293, IS 630)

Course Name: Mitigation eGrant System for the Subgrant Applicant
Course Code: IS-30
CEUs: 0.5
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 31)

Course Name: Mitigation eGrants for the Grant Applicant
Course Code: IS-31
CEUs: 0.8
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 30)

Course Name: Household Hazardous Materials - A Guide for Citizens
Course Code: IS-55
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 22)

Course Name: Introduction to Incident Command System
Course Code: IS-100.a
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined w/ IS-200.a)

Course Name: Introduction to the Incident Command System for Healthcare/Hospitals
Course Code: IS-100.HC
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: College Credits: 1.0 (When combined w/ IS-200.a

Course Name: Introduction to the Incident Command System for Higher Education
Course Code: IS-100.HE
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: College Credits: 1.0 (When combined w/ IS-200.a)

Course Name: Introduction to the Incident Command System for Law Enforcement
Course Code: IS-100.LEa
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined w/ IS-200.a)

Course Name: Introduction to the Incident Command System for Public Works Personnel
Course Code: IS-100.PWa
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined w/ IS-200.a)

Course Name: Intro to Incident Command System (ICS 100) for Federal Workers
Course Code: IS-100.FWa
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: n/a

Course Name: Introduction to the Incident Command System for Schools
Course Code: IS-100.SCa
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined w/ IS-200.a)

Course Name: Deployment Basics for FEMA Response Partners
Course Code: IS-102
CEUs: 0.1
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 26, IS 293, IS 630)

Course Name: Livestock in Disasters
Course Code: IS-111
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: An Introduction to Exercises
Course Code: IS-120.a
CEUs: 0.5
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined w/ IS-130)

Course Name: Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Planning
Course Code: IS-130
CEUs: 0.5
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined w/ IS-120.A)

Course Name: Exercise Design
Course Code: IS-139
CEUs: 1.5
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Special Needs Planning Considerations for Emergency Management
Course Code: IS-197.EM
CEUs: 0.4
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 197.SP)

Course Name: Special Needs Planning Considerations for Service and Support Providers
Course Code: IS-197.SP
CEUs: 0.4
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 197.EM)

Course Name: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
Course Code: IS-200.a
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined w/ IS-100.a)

Course Name: State Disaster Management
Course Code: IS-208
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Fundamentals of Emergency Management
Course Code: IS-230.a
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1

Course Name: Emergency Planning
Course Code: IS-235
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Leadership & Influence
Course Code: IS-240
CEUs: 0.9
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Decision Making and Problem Solving
Course Code: IS-241
CEUs: 0.8
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Effective Communication
Course Code: IS-242
CEUs: 0.8
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Developing and Managing Volunteers
Course Code: IS-244
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Emergency Support Function 15 (ESF 15) External Affairs: A New Approach to Emergency Communication and Information Distribution
Course Code: IS-250
CEUs: 0.1
College Credits: 1.0 (+ IS-250, IS-800.b, IS 801-814 & IS-1900)

Course Name: Coordinating Environmental and Historic Preservation Compliance
Course Code: IS-253
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Anticipating Hazardous Weather & Community Risk
Course Code: IS-271
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Engineering Principles and Practices for Retrofitting Flood-Prone Residential Structures
Course Code: IS-279
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: The Role of Voluntary Agencies in Emergency Management
Course Code: IS-288
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Mission Assignment Overview
Course Code: IS-293
CEUs: 0.2
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 26, IS 102, IS 630)

Course Name: Radiological Emergency Response
Course Code: IS-301
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Modular Emergency Radiological Response Transportation Training
Course Code: IS-302
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams
Course Code: IS-317
CEUs: 0
College Credits: n/a

Course Name: Community Hurricane Preparedness
Course Code: IS-324
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Refresher Course for Radiological Response
Course Code: IS-330
CEUs: 1
College Credits: n/a

Course Name: Introduction to Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Exercise Evaluation
Course Code: IS-331
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Hazardous Materials Prevention
Course Code: IS-340
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: An Orientation to Hazardous Materials for Medical Personnel
Course Code: IS-346
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools
Course Code: IS-362
CEUs: 0.8
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Introduction to Residential Coastal Construction
Course Code: IS-386
CEUs: 1.4
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Introduction to Hazard Mitigation
Course Code: IS-393.a
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Protecting Your Home or Small Business From Disaster
Course Code: IS-394.a
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Introduction to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenzas
Course Code: IS-520
CEUs: 0.1
College Credits: n/a

Course Name: Continuity of Operations Awareness Course
Course Code: IS-546.a
CEUs: 0.1
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 547.a, IS 548)

Course Name: Introduction to Continuity of Operations
Course Code: IS-547.a
CEUs: 0.2
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 546.a, IS 548)

Course Name: Continuity of Operations (COOP) Program Manager
Course Code: IS-548
CEUs: 0.4
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 546.a, IS 547.a)

Course Name: Introduction to the Public Assistance Process
Course Code: IS-630
CEUs: 0.2
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 26, 102, IS 293)

Course Name: Public Assistance Operations I
Course Code: IS-631
CEUs: 0.7
College Credits: n/a

Course Name: Introduction to Debris Operations in FEMA's Public Assistance Program
Course Code: IS-632
CEUs: 0.5
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: Building Partnerships with Tribal Governments
Course Code: IS-650
CEUs: 1
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: National Incident Management System (NIMS) An Introduction
Course Code: IS-700.a
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: 1.0 when combined with IS-702 and IS-703

Course Name: NIMS Multiagency Coordination System (MACS) Course
Course Code: IS-701.a
CEUs: 0.5
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 704, IS 706)

Course Name: National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) Public Information Systems
Course Code: IS-702
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined w/IS-700.a and IS-703)

Course Name: NIMS Resource Management
Course Code: IS-703.a
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined w/ IS-700.a and IS-702)

Course Name: NIMS Communications and Information Management
Course Code: IS-704
CEUs: 0.2
College Credits: 1.0 (When combined with IS 701.a, IS 706)

Course Name: NIMS Intrastate Mutual Aid - An Introduction
Course Code: IS-706
CEUs: 0.2
College Credits: 1.0 (combined with IS 701.a, IS 704)

Course Name: EOC Management and Operations
Course Code: IS-775
CEUs: 0.4
College Credits: 1.0

Course Name: National Response Framework, An Introduction
Course Code: IS-800.b
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: 1.0 (combined with IS-250, IS-1900 and IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Functions (ESF) #1 - Transportation
Course Code: IS-801
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Functions (ESF) #2 - Communications
Course Code: IS-802
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Function (ESF) #3 – Public Works and Engineering
Course Code: IS-803
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Function (ESF) #4 – Firefighting
Course Code: IS-804
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Function (ESF) #5 – Emergency Management
Course Code: IS-805
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Function (ESF) #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
Course Code: IS-806
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Function (ESF) #7 – Logistics Management and Resource Support Annex
Course Code: IS-807
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Function (ESF) #8 – Public Health and Medical Services
Course Code: IS-808
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Function (ESF) #9 – Search and Rescue
Course Code: IS-809
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Functions (ESF) #10 - Oil and Hazardous Materials Response Annex
Course Code: IS-810
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Functions (ESF) #11 - Agriculture and Natural Resources Annex
Course Code: IS-811
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Function (ESF) # 12 - Energy
Course Code: IS-812
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Functions (ESF) #13 - Public Safety and Security Annex
Course Code: IS-813
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Emergency Support Function (ESF) #14 – Long Term Community Recovery
Course Code: IS-814
CEUs: 0
College Credits: 1.0 + (IS-250, IS-800.b, IS-1900 & IS 801-814)

Course Name: Introduction to NRF Support Annexes
Course Code: IS-820
CEUs: 0.1
College Credits: n/a

Course Name: Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources Support Annex
Course Code: IS-821
CEUs: 0.1
College Credits: n/a

Course Name: Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex
Course Code: IS-836
CEUs: 0.1
College Credits: n/a

Course Name: National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP)
Course Code: IS-860.a
CEUs: 0.2
College Credits: n/a

Course Name: Dams Sector: Crisis Management
Course Code: IS-870
CEUs: 0.2
College Credits: n/a

Course Name: NDMS Federal Coordinating Center Operations Course
Course Code: IS-1900
CEUs: 0.3
College Credits: 1.0 (combined with IS 250, IS 800.b and IS 801-814
In my world, that is called discrimination and the chief could be looking for another job. send me a private message Brian and we will talk on the phone.

By the way, I retired today... :D

CBz (Retd.)

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