We just (Monday) removed 2 facepieces from service due to this. They weren't that extreme, but they were damaged. Nice to have some statistics to pass on to those who don't realise.
Thanks Ron.
So who still insists that they must ALWAYS go interior? Hopefully this might change a few attitudes.
It might even prevent something like this (which is copied from someones profile album on the FFN site). This is not a sign of a "good" fire, a "safe" training evolution or a "hero"- this is downright dangerous!!!!
perhaps, and this is my only opinion, but im sure that this does happen in a matter of less than minutes, but also, over several fires, this could happen? if im wrong please correct me, but it seems that if in about a minute of straight fire to the mask, the mask is affected, but also, several fires later, im sure your exposed to about that much fire.
Not to offend whomever is pictured, but this Firefighter is a complete what NOT to do in PPE donning.
-Helmet strap, mask strap outside the nomex, collar AND jacket both not fully closed. I wouldn't enter like that and neither would any of my fellow firefighters. Although it looks like a training burn, what happened to the old addage 'practice like you play'?