Firefighter Jeopardy, that is. The rules are simple, someone post the answer, then the next person to come along posts the actual answer in the form of a question. That same person who answers in the form of a question is to then post the answer for the next person to come along. Keep it firefighter related, try your hardest not to cheat(i.e. Google, Bing, Ask, you firefighter literature)... I mean, this is an honorable profession, right?


We'll start out simple.

"I'll take Fire Science for $100, Alex."

Answer; Oxygen, heat and fuel.

Views: 3950

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What is the universal air connection/fitting

ARFF for 300, Alex.

AFFF, or A - Triple - F
Thanks J Brooks. Didn't know it. Was gonna say a third.

Doug-- What is aqueous film forming foam

ANSWER:. fire extinguishers---Of the 4 geometric symbols for the classes of fire, the square represents this.
What is flammable materials (gas, oil, paint)

Answer: the safety zone refers to what dynamic occurrence
Search and Rescue For 300

Answer: Firefighters arms under the victims arms, face towards you, one knee in between victims legs.
(This thread is awesome! Im not good at making the rather answer some my self)
What is collapse?
I'm stumped...
What is a way to lower a victim down a ladder for rescue?


The type of gasoline used in a 4 cycle piece of power equipment.
What is a ladder rescue?

Answer; The act of making sure a surface is safe to move across with a tool, usually an axe or halligan.
Duh! hahaha
What is regular unleaded?
What is Sounding

Answer: This short tool commonly has a T handle, and a Sharp Curved end, almost like a question Mark.
ummmm...What is a hay bale hook? (i've used this tool working on farms, never in a fire)

ANSWER: An upright metal casting connected to a water supply system and equipped with one or more valve outlets to which a pumper or hoseline can be connected.

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