I was so very disapointed not long ago when I watched an attempt by firefighters to gain access to a attic space. It only needed 4 fireman and three attempts to get the job done. How many dept. practice ladder work? Do depts. really lack in trainning the basics,Have depts. lost themselves to trainning what is cool or the latest craze? How do your depts. teach the fundamentals?

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Like I always say EVERYONE should practice the basics every now and then. It never hurts to refresh.
training is a big part of our job but keeping your self informed and in shape is are job money is tight in a lot of depts so share info when possible and remember your academy training help out your ic with suggestions or watch and see how you can help be safe
A GREAT instructor once told me..."traing is repetive and boring"
OK...OK "training is repetitive and boring”
I would answer your question YES, many FD's fporget to train on the basics and instead drill on whatever the hot new fad is this week. Basics is the cornerstone of every call at any FD around the world. As a Truck Officer, I try to stress to the new cadets the basics. I always tell them,"No one will expect more out of you than you are expected to know and right now you are responsible for knowing the basics. Master the basics until it becomes 2nd nature and then move on from there."
I know the type, I can only say that the ones that dont train fall short and only put themselves and the rest of us in harms way. Its good to know how to start a truck, but if you cant use it you might as well get in your p.v. and bring coffee and hot dogs to the wennie roast......
I have been a firm believer in the fact that you dont always have to spend big bucks to train. I was a former member of an emergency services agency and we was required to put on trainning for our county. We at times would have tabletop disscussions and planning to get dept. chiefs and ect. to think. On the fire side we would look at different situations and look at weak areas that needed preplan tactics to lesson effects . so on and so on. I am also a firm believer that it takes an effort to train, by this I mean you must be willing to do it as well as the rest of your depts. personel. Leadership plays the big roll here. Many dept sadly are lacking in this area!
I was always taught BASICS first. Then you build upon what you know. We must walk then run . This is how to drive the engine and this is how you use whats on it. Why would anyone want to jump ahead and throw somebody into something they are unprepared for because they lack the basics? It can and will get people killed in the fire service!
However boring it is very important. A great instructor once told me. When you run out of air and cant get out of a structure because you are out of shape and havent practiced S.C.B.A. drills, then you will wish you had taken the time to train, yet then sadly its to late!!!
I am glad to see your response, at least it shows that the cadets you speak of will have fundamentals to build upon.
What a quote it is. I know some so called trainning officers that I think I will email that one to. Maybe they will look at things a little differently then?? I could only hope!
It just go's to show everyone that with the right leadership what is possible! I am glad as a jr. you have found the right co. Saving lives is what its about, yours or somebody else.

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