WASHINGTON — Republicans plan to call a white firefighter whose reverse discrimination claim was rejected by Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor to testify against her.

New Haven, Conn. firefighter Frank Ricci brought a lawsuit challenging his city's decision to scrap the results of a promotion test because too few minorities scored highly enough to qualify. He's one of 14 witnesses Republicans will call during Senate hearings on Sotomayor's confirmation that open Monday.

I hope Firefighter Ricci blasts her in front of her peers, while she is on the stand...

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I live in the Chicago area, reverse discrimination against firefighters is nothing new!
I understand your point, but I think it would paint a more positive picture for the fire service, (politically correct) for him to be professional and simply state the fact that these were issues which needed to be addressed, she chose not to address them, and the high court had to decide. It can be done with respect and tact, and still get the point across that she dropped the ball on this issue.
i say do it. like i said in the other discussion on this topic those scores show who is the most qualified to do the job.
It's sad that our justice system doesn't percieve reverse discrimination as clearly as "regular" discrimination. If it's a test of equal and just calibur, then why isn't the test valid because minorities didn't score high enough? DO they want to give them a handicap of some sort? It was already fair as it was. Clearly reverse discrimination.
It would seem "damnthing" has never been tuned into the fact that there IS political influence in the fire service, despite the comfy rose-colored vision of all things equal for the sake of the job. The fact that tooo many in the fire service disassociate the political process is evident in the Federal and State Governments failure to fund the fire service to the same degree it does Law Enforcement.

I guess 'thing' feels that throwing out a promotional list because the results don't favor a certain race or ethnic group is no big deal. Probably just doesn't affect him, so who cares? Promotional exams should be color-blind, period.

Did anyone read the quote by the Black fireifghters association that was printed in regional newspapers? It quoted one of the questions on the exam as pertaining to what direction an apparatus would be facing fighting a fire in Mid Town, which he went to explain would only be known to those studying for the test involved in a good 'ol boys network that exists between white FDNY and New Haven firefighters, and that this is a question taken from an FDNY promotional exam as well.

Does this make ANY sense to ANYONE? I have taken a few promotional exams, and anyone could see that any such question has no validity or tactical relevence. Yet the news media printed it and ra with it as if it was gospal. Sad.
Yes, I am pretty damn white WestPhilly. I can't help it.

But on a serious note, this is a situation where I believe there was a case of reverse discrimination.
WestPhilly, I have to agree whole heartedly with this post.
Imagine the message the Supreme Court would be sending the fire service if it agreed with the decision of Sotomayor - make your test as unbiased as possible, yet if the proper numbers don't pass....throw it in the trash.
How would you expect anyone to have any faith in any further promotional exams?

I hope this decision will help other departments understand that they need to do the right thing and stop worrying about being so politically correct.

Oh, Damnthing......if 5-4 is not exactly a clear majority......what, then is?
DT -

I have enjoyed reading the back and fourth. I have to question one thing, if your opinion of this situation was thrusted upon yourself. You were denied promotion to LT, Capt, Chief, Foreman, President of the University, whatever...... denied for the simple fact that your current administrator's feel the "upper management team" needs more diversity, even though the people tapped for the promotion might be less educated, less qualified than yourself.... you would be OK with that decision, or would you see it differently?

Ricci was denied so much more than his bugle, trust and belief in the system, working hard will pay off, best man win, not to mention his family's well being was wronged, basically taking food off his kids table, his retirement with compounded interest will be effected til the day he dies.

Your comment, "In fact, people are making way more out of it than it warrants" is somewhat disappointing that the best person for the job was denied based on his color of his skin, creed, religious deliefs, etc.
I think what some are forgetting here is that this is not about racism, but discrimination.
And just because I am a white, middle aged male doesn't mean that I cannot be discriminated against.
If all of my qualifications for a job puts me on a level playing field will all other applicants, then what would be the tie-breaker? The response that I get is "well, we have decided to go with a younger person".
I was just discriminated against.
If I test for a position and all things are considered equal and I don't get the position and the response is "we felt that we were not meeting our diversity goals", then I was discriminated against.
Growing up, I felt plenty of discrimination. We were a poor family. I hung out with other poor kids. Some of them were Hispanic. I was discriminated against in high school because I did not have an older brother open the door to sports. Back then, if you didn't have that, you barely got a look and had to fight like hell to make the team, let alone get a starting position.
There can be many reasons for discrimination and much of it has NOTHING to do with race.
And simply because we applaud the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in the Ricci case doesn't make me a bigot or racsist.
I have spoken to white, black, Hispanic and female firefighters who agree that New Haven was definitely screwed up and agree with the appeal decision.
It is one about fairness and justice.
And Sotomayor should have known that.
That she brings up her race whenever possible is reason enough not to confirm her.
She uses it as a crutch and as an advantage and we don't need to go through the Civil Rights movement again.
You have it EXACTLY right!!!!!
Amen, Art. Well said as usual. Stay safe!

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