The team behind FireRescue magazine works hard to put together a publication that offers timely, informative, thought-provoking articles and stories that you can "read today and use tomorrow." But we're always looking for ways to improve, so we'd like your help: What are the topics, issues and challenges you think we should cover in the coming months? What are the issues or problems faced by your department that you think need a voice, or should receive more attention than they're getting?
Give us your hard-earned two cents.
New light weight construction materials. What they are using now and what's coming down the pike.
And maybe some contact info on who we would contact to lobby AGAINST these materials?
And what about some "Consumer Reports" type articles? Enough of the gang here harping back and forth about which boots are better, leather or rubber. How about a comparison study to the two to see which offers more protection against fire, heat, abrasion, puncture, laceration, etc...
And will one of the new "composite" halligans perform as well as the good, old 18 pounder?
Creative, low cost training ideas in today's economic climate. Even if a department isn't in bad shape economically this would help stretch the training budget further.
Reg, Todd, strtcopr, Dottie damnthing: Thanks all for your invaluable input. I'll be taking all suggestions to our planning meeting in the coming weeks.
If you know of someone else who's always got an opinion, pass on our request to them as well.
Thanks again.
ask your membership the following... do they enforce street addressing that requires a residence or business to clearly display the numerical address, using CONTRASTING backgrounds?
and if they do, and most of us do...
why are we tolerating the NFPA 704 hazard identification diamond to have black numbers on a blue and red background, making it virtuously impossible to figure out what the hazard is because a contrasting background was not used...
a little pre-planning on how hazard communications are expressed can make a major difference...
How about more emphasis in training and maintenance of "Life Safety" equipment. My department places too much emphasis on standing out for eight hours on Saturday, Sunday and three day weekends collecting for MDA. I am all for the program but we start in April, May every weekend thru Labor Day. Like I said I support the cause but the schedule they set up for us is ridiculous. Our training is hindered by this, MDA, and prefire surveys. It seems emergency calls comes second on the list. Seems I went awry on the subject......Training.
-I have thought that for years!
-Others....retention of good people
-Do medics need the bonuses they receive, especially in todays economy. (no offense medics....I is one)
-People who have no business and so little experience that hang out and post as if they are Gods of the fire service. I guess those fancy jewell things really DO mean something!