Some Fire Departments only have meetings once a month, Personally I think You should have one every week on a set day of the week. I know my fire dept, we have one every MOnday night at 7:00pm. What do you think. Our Fire meetings also count towards our required 36 hours of training each year.

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OK Ben - we thought you were just being cynical.
We have minimum attendance requirement for our monthly meetings but they are company business meetings only and have nothing to do with training. Training opportunities take place for 2 hours every other Tues eve and every other Sun morning. Meetings also have nothing to do with truck inspection which takes place before Tues drills. Maybe Im tripping over terminology, but "meeting" just doesn't mean training to me. With 12 business meetings, over 52 drills, 26 truck inspections, a few committee meetings, and over 700 alarms a year, the idea of another meeting would just never fly here in my little village. Happy Fathers Day.
Meetings every monday with training, business meeting on 1st monday of the month. Other meetings as called by the Chief.
We have our meetings on the first wednesday of every month, and training every wednesday for the rest of the month. But if at any time we should feel it is necessary, an emergency meeting can be called. For communication purposes, if anything isn't brought up at a meeting, (like a reminder about an event), we have alpha pagers, and the chief has everyone's email addresses. Our set-up works well for our company, but I suppose that in larger companies, more than one monthly meeting would be necessary. I see that some places hold their different types of meetings (board of directors, different squads, etc...) on different night. Ours all get lumped into one long night, Board of Directors first, then the Junior meeting, then the regular meeting, then Relief meeting, then QRS meeting (if needed). So...that's it for my company.
Cynically realistic...
We get together every Thursday, barring holidays. The first Thursday of the month is always a general meeting for officer reports, commitee reports etc.... All other Thursdays are slotted for training, whether there are three or four Thursdays in a month. At the start of each Thursday evening practice we have a small meeting (5 to 10 minutes) where members can bring up safety issues, or any issue, and any department news is relayed. I should note that we are small town volunteer department. Take Care All -Spencer
Hey Travis, Our dept. has a meeting every first thursday of the month, we also have in house training every third thursday of the month. If something comes up we set off radios for a meeting. Works great.
Spencer, the idea of getting together for a "huddle" each week (besides the monthly business meeting) is fantastic. Thanks!
Ours is the second Tuesday of each month. That is all I would love to see at least twice a month but know that is just a pipe dream. TCSS
We generally have a shift meeting every sunday, so if your shift works only 1 sunday that month you only have 1 meeting. We get a department meeting when something big is coming up (hurricane season, government/FAA inspection, someone important stoping by, etc.) It is a good idea to generally have one atleast everymonth if not more if there are issues that need to be discussed sooner.
Our department has a monthly membership meeting on the last Sunday of each month with our Board of Director's meeting held the same day. We do weekly check offs on our trucks every Saturday and have Line Officer meetings whenever needed, usually weekly but sometimes more often. Our Fire Association Meeting is the second Tuesday of every month and an Emergency Services Association Meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. Our department committee meetings (currently there are 4) are held at least once a month.

We have a County wide training program that rotates between all the departments. Our department offers a lot of online training opportunities and encourages that we take any and all training with other departments (statewide) that each person is interested in taking, at the department's expense.

We have a special online Yahoo Group page that all our members are signed up on for our President or Chief to post important notices that can't wait until our monthly meeting. We have found that this is much easier to do then to have a weekly meeting. Our membership roster is only about 15 to 20 people and everyone works different hours of the day, with most of them having to travel more then an hour each way for their daily commute.
Our department is lucky to get everyone to show up for one meeting each month. If there is something urgent that we need to discuss, the Chief will call a special meeting. Our department is a volunteer department so most of us have jobs and could not make it to a meeting once a week. We also have a training session once a month.

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