After talking to a few ff's on this site, some were saying that they had to buy their own bunker gear. I was really surprised to hear this seeing as I was outfitted with a full set of gear when I was put on my dept. Now of course, I have changed some of my gear in these last two years. New gloves, radio strap, leather boots (although the dept. paid for the boots) etc... you get the idea. I dont mean stuff like that... I mean your original set of basic gear. Did you have to buy it?
Granted the gloves and boots I started with were not great but I was able to safely combat a fire.

Do you think its a good thing that a ff would have to buy his/her own gear?

On one hand, when someone buys their own gear, they realize how much it all costs and therefore may take care of it better. On the other, people that want to be ff's may not be able to simply because they cannot afford to buy a full set of gear. A new set can get awful expensive. 500-800 for pants 800-1500 for a jacket 250-800 for a helmet 150-400 for boots. Nomex, gloves etc... your looking at an easy few thousand dollars

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LORD NO!!!!!!!!!! The only thisg that you have to buy is extras.....Helmet lights...traditional helmets....bunker gear lights....ECT.

Our issued gear conists of:
-Minitor Pager
37 Years ago when I joined, the company bought gear and hung it on the side of the engine. I bought my set back then the coat cost $125, the leather helmet also cost $125, the bunker pants $80 and the boots $30 (give or take a few dollars on each item), I bought the stuff so that I knew it fit and so I had gloves and a flashlight. At that time I was the only one to do so. Since then the companies that I run with buys the gear, coat, bunker pants, gloves, helmet, safety glasses, hood, boots, flashlights, and issues them to us. I still buy gloves and flashlights because they do not issue ones that I like, I also bought the leather helmets. I could not afford to buy a full set now days, just buying the gloves and lights for each set is rough. Keep if safe and wear the stuff.
I thought the same thing... thats why I was really surprised when people were telling me that they had to buy their own gear.
If I had to buy my own gear, I would be findin a new dept
As many have said here in the discussion, NO.
If we had to go out and buy our own equipment, I don't
think we would have very many members. I beleive it should
be up to your department to supply you with a the equipment
that you need.
And ESPECIALLY if it is Volunteer
We do not. We are only allowed to keep our gear for three years, if it makes it that long. New gear is issued every 3 years and helmets every 10 years. We usually follow the NFPAs non sense rules. Have I mentioned I do not care for the NFPA?
I agree with you on this one. Why dont we pay the water bill so the city doesnt bitch next LOL
The dept. issues us with all the gear. I know a few little depts.that started a year ago that have asked the big depts. for old gear so the firefighters did not have to buy there own gear.
Sure its all about bucks. Any political entity you are contracted to protect should be knocking itself out to cover your budget, knowing that it includes the gear necessary to protect you while you're doing it. You are the one putting yourself in harms way for others. If your time is free, the gear should be too. Vieja Con Dios.
I agree 100% with that
My gear is issued through the department. We just received new gear and scba's.

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