What is the policy, guideline, etc. of wearing your department's logo on apparel when off duty? This is more directed towards paid departments although volunteer input is also welcome, because I think volunteer organizations are in some cases a little more open when it comes to wearing department apparel with the mind frame that the volunteers are "always on duty". I understand from a department view that an individual performing an act which could be perceived as detrimental to the department image while wearing the logo and representing the department would raise concern. On the other hand, I have heard individuals who's department allows them (and some that do not) say that it is a method of showing "departmental pride", or "esprit de corps".

Any opinions, or examples of your department's established protocols?

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First off vollie department. It is in our by laws that you are not supposed to wear a department shirt unless "on duty". We have guys that wear department shirts to the grocery store and other places but normally don't say anything. We have had issues when a firefighter wears a shirt and is acting in an improper manner and they are disciplined.
Rules for mine have always been no wearing them to bars or other establishments that serve alcohol, and no consuming alcohol while wearing them. As well, no wearing them to other places like political rallies, strip bars, things like that. Its pretty common sense stuff. Anything that could throw a bad light on the dept.
I think whether paid or volunteer department shirts are ok to wear when off duty, as long as you are not going drinking or do other activities that will disgrace you and your department. It is alway your choice what you do or don't do, but you must decide for yourself if you would want your department remember for these actions.
You must always use common sense when on duty and off duty. I have seen many of people who were on duty both paid & volunteer in uniform and out of uniform doing things that would cause disgrace and ridicule of their department. SO LIKE I SAID USE COMMON SENSE and THINK BEFORE YOU ACT.
Have a great day & stay safe!!! Captain Kevin C. Ross Pembroke NY Fire Department.
Our dept is pretty much the same as what Jason is saying. Basically don't wear them in drinking establishments or any other place that could downgrade your dept so to speak.
Whether on duty or off, carreer or volunter, when one wears any apparel which identifies a fire department, the wearer is representing the fire service.
Firemen Don't Drink, Do They.............. Ok, Just don't wear them into a bar, or strip club
Not that we go to strip clubs either, well you get the idea LOL
Vol. Dept here too. We stress to our members that when they are wearing any thing that has a department logo on it that they are representing our all of us and as such they need to use discretion. We ask that they not be worn to bars & nightclubs or any other types of establishments that could tarnish our image.

Well I do both paid and volunteer. The fire district (paid) would prefer we didn't wear em off duty but doesn't mind. God help us though if that phone rings at the EOC and the district manager gets told we were out assin around in a district tee. My vol department is just about the same, we can wear the 24/7 if we want. Once again so long as were not out assin around, buying beer, bars, titty clubs... basically anything that represents the fire department in an unprofessional manner. Depending on what you were doing can result in anywhere from a verbal reprimand, unpaid suspension (career) or just plain suspension (vol.), to termination (both)

There's nothin wrong with takin pride in your station, but when you're out doin the crap you ain't suposed to be doin while representing, you're not showing much pride for who you are or what you do are you?
This covers both vollie and paid..

T-shirts are given out as personal property, so we can use them as much as we want..
But no drinking, going to parties and so on..
Back home in the US wearing department shirts to bars and political rallies are not allowed but here in the Philippines its pretty much the same except the culture allows you drink and it does not really look bad. The good thing is that in my dept. people do not wear the logo when they are engaging in drinking activities. We are a Filipino-Chinese Volunteer brigade and a govt brigade with the same rules. Both of my units here are strict as to wearing the logo as they are trying to establish professionalism for the fire service here in the Philippines.
So when Joe Shmoe wears a FDNY t-shirt, cause they wanna be like Tommy Gavin on Rescue Me; during his drinking days, are they still representing the fire service?

I agree with everyone, leave department t-shirts out of the bars, strip clubs, drug dens, cock fights, fight club, or the opera ;OP
As far as the average citizen knows, yes. That is part of the reason my department doesn't trade t-shirts. All the public see's "Fire Department".

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