On our ladder during the dwelling music (chief has music he plays while driving to dwellings) theres a song that goes like Fire, fire fire... anyone know what im talking about, im trying to find the name of the song
I think it's great, can't think of the song though. I have always said that just once before I retire I want to respond to a fire with "Into the Danger Zone" blasting out the siren speaker.
I usually have the blood hound gang The Roof Is On Fire playing while enroute to the sation. LOL It is on my page if you dont know it or want to hear it LOL
IMHO I believe that if you have a radio in any apparatus, that it shoul be tied in with your l/s to shut down anytime that they are on. There is just too much going on enroute to a call to be distracted by music. It is too easy to miss radio traffic, or take your attention away from what is most important, that would be your safety, and the publics!