should the color of fire apparatus be red or lime green? or does it matter? why or why not?

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why does it matter it hauls and pumps .. Color is the dept choice.. Edwards colors are purple.. So all their trucks are that color.. Our color is that nasty lime green.... yukkkkk.. But at the fire it is still just a fire truck
Tradition isn't a big thing for me, but I like the trucks to be red. I don't think that any particular colour is 'safer', if the public don't hear our sirens or see our lights, what difference will a base colour make?

To comment on Mikes 'blue' v. 'red' post, there was a study done here some years ago on the best colour for emergency vehicle lights. At that time we had blue for plolice and red for fire/ambulance. The result came out in favour of red and blue lights for all emergency use. The red is supposed to be more visible during daylight hours and the blue at night. From observation I tend to agree with that. Tow truck, road works and garbage trucks use amber, nobody uses green.

(PS. I think I need to take a new photo of the pumper, one without the little cardboard scout!)
RED RED RED!!!!!! Fire trucks should be red. I heard somebody say once that lime green fire trucks just arent ripe yet

Fire Trucks are red, ask any pre-schooler...
Personally I like red trucks with a big blue reflective stripe. It combines tradition with saftey. As far as the lime green trucks, I hate them. I believe the FDNY tried that several years ago and scraped it after miserable results.
Hi Anne, Your right but I know our Commonwealth of PA tried to push lime green through and it got shot down and our trucks are navy blue/gold/white like our school colors . I went to Norwin.

Before, i mean few year, here in Québec, most of all Fire Truck was Lime... a 80's Fashion i think !!! Now in my FD, all new Fire truck will be red, For me, Red it's the better color, but in fes FD i like also the white and blue mix!

all the trucks on my dept are red with gold trim and white striping

Not true. If you ask most of the pre-schoolers and school age kids in our first due they will tell you that they are Red, White, and my favorite Black and White.
Well just to stir up some stuff Real men ride red And for the lime greeners One day your truck might ripen

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