We us mintor 4 pagers. A fire department not too far uses radios to page. Does anyone use either of these or something different to page out. And how well does it seem to work for you. Our pagers work fairly well but the 4s dont seem to be holding up as well as we would like and are trying to figure out if there is anything better.

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Our department uses handheld radios..we got a few pagers (I think they were Minitor IVs, not sure though) through a grant..never could get them to work to well in our area (our county is plauged with communication errors due to the terrain). Some pages only came through the radios and the pagers remained silent, or would be so full of static you couldn't understand the dispatcher, 911 could never straighten it all out so we just forsook using pagers and stuck with radios.


Jeez...my bad, didn't mean to dig up this old thread! I thought I looked at the date...sorry guys:(
We use minotor 3,4,and 5's and have our own encoder so we can set our pagers off our self as well as 911.
We use 4's and 5's...also have a siren for in town...(can hear it at my house 3 miles away)...Occasionaaly have problems but not too often.....Paul
my old department got the new mintor 5 pagers that repeat the page and they are a little more up there in price but they had good lucky with them. but the officers can page out from the radios if the dispatcher is having trouble.

I am not Ted either, and I know this subject is several months old. I just joined this site and saw that you replied that you knew how to open up a minitor IV. My department has some I'd like to open up and swap cases if that can be done. Could you please let me know how to contact you s0 I can get this info?

We use minotor 3,4,and 5's and have our own encoder so we can set our pagers off our self as well as 911.
we use motorola and radio to page. a fd in a town not too far from us uses pagers (not sure what kind), radio, and phone recording system. its all link so it the same message on all three systems.
our department use all monitor V's and our officers use portables and our chief and asst chief use truckie radios.

they work great, i can even pick tones up in the next state and about 150 miles from my station works great for my department, were mostly all a community with few in the suburban area.
We use Minitor II, III, IV, and V, as well as radios, and text on the cell phone.
My experience with Motorola pagers is not at all good. We recently changed to another brand county wide as we were fed up with the crap that Motorola puts out and has for years. Maybe if others start doing the same they will wake up and start building a decent product again. Some of the agencies went to Kenwood radios as pagers. They disabled the transmit side so that they could receive only. The Minitor 5s arnt any different. Your not alone Bro, it is a recurring theme nation wide.
we use motorola HT1250 radios. LOVE EM. We also have our IRIS alerts on our personal cell phones. Of course most of the time we are 1/2 wa to fire by time the go off. I forgot to add we are an all volunteer dept with around 20 members.

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