For a helment leather or not? And since we are on the subject leather helments or not? Can anybody remember what the different colors mean on the fronts?

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There is no standard to colors for anything in the fire service, other than white for Chiefs. There are probably even some departments that don't have white for chiefs.
yes, I am talking shields.
White for officers
black for engine company
red for truck company
orange for safety officers
blue for rescue company
Can anybody remember what the different colors mean on the fronts?

Front piece colors differ from departments and/or regions.

It's like this in my neck of the country,

Red= Engine
Yellow=Specialty unit such as HAZMAT, etc.

If you're interested in custom leather fronts like most have never seen, then check this link out.
Anyone interested in a Box Alarm front, contact me. I get them from him in 2-3 weeks. If you look at the list he is way back ordered. Probably in the 6-8 week range.
he just made me a glove strap and its awesome. Andrew's site says up to 8 months for a shield/radio strap
If anybody wants a custom leather front let me know my Asst. Chief makes them too just like boxalarmleather they are about the same price and the same quality but you wont have to wait 6-8 months to get it probably just a couple weeks if you tell me what you want i will talk to him for you
In my "neck" it is

Green /or Blue...Medic Rescue
Yellow or Black...more custom for Haz Mat and Spec Ops
I didnt know they made shields from anything but leather. Anyway... all dept's have different colors for different things as we have seen from these posts. My dept has black leather shields for everyone with the number on front in different colors for different positions ie.

Chief--white helmet-white background shield with black 17
asst. chief--same thing
captains-- black background with white 17--black helmet
lieutenants--red background with black 17--red helmet
s.o.'s--black background with blue 17--blue helmet
ff--black background with red 17--yellow helmet
There is a guy making them out of diamond plate now also.
I stand corrected, he has gotten very busy.
Our Department we all have Yellow helmets with velcro Engine or ladder company ID patches to put on the front and the officers have red helmets with matching id fronts, medics have blue helmets and white for our chiefs.

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