I was on line looking up some firefighting items and I came across this question and thought it was interesting. If you had to have only one image...one icon...to represent the fire service as a whole...what would it be? Dalmation? Leather helmet? American LaFrance? Brass pole? Maltese cross? Ahrens-Fox?? Others??

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OK ... Group hug everyone! LOL
Amen, If i read something I dont like, I go on, if i think it is suppose to be funny I laugh and go on. One of the biggest reasons I dont always post is because of things that happened with in this post.
Mmmm - Maltesers as we call them. Lovely!

I think the main crop there is rocks actually, from the photos I've seen... Damn, now I'll have to hide from all the Maltese I know!
ANother bit of curiosity satisfied. I've just searched for images using 'st florian'. Pleasing to see that most images show him in military uniform, as he was a General in the Roman Armies. Some show him as 'ye Olde Knight in Shining Armour' - strange, but those images probably date from mediaeval times when the fashion was to show ancient heroes etc. in the costueme of their own times. Some showed him in Roman uniform but with a very definitely no-Roman shield, poor or non-existent research there! Very interesting.

However. I still think that Murphy should get the job - it's far more likely to be him sticking his nose in when we've got a big job!
An open palm is like showing the finger in Greece.
First comes the finger, open palm follows in that order.

Hand gestures cannot be used, since cultural problems might pop up!
St.Florian might be patron saint for you, but this doesn't mean it also for the rest of the world, does it? In Greece we have another patron saint and muslims? I don't have a clue. :)
Did this thread really need to be awakened?
Go away thread. There is no international emblem that we all can agree on.
Maltese Cross
Oh Oh!
Maltese cross again.
Ho boy!
Denise obviously hasn't read previous posts Art - we'll have to make allowances for her.

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