OK guys i was looking online for the Whacker Inciter LED Light when i came across the official definition of the term "Whacker". This is hilarious and sadly true hope you guys like it and lets here some stories about the whackers you guys know. Ill throw mine in after the definition...

1. Whacker: Someone who has an extensive number of emergency lights, whether legal or illegal. This person usually has several excuses to justify their light installations or usage. You can see these people in the larger population centers where surplus lights are more abundant. Usually they have light bars, dash lights, grill or hideaway strobe for no reason and try to find reasons to use them. Possible occupations of the typical whacker are security guard or some community safety club. Whackers tend to get hostile when confronted about their lights and they will name several tasks to justify their usage. Some stated tasks could be highway assistance, snow removal (with no plow attachment on the vehicle), an unforeseen emergency that will never happen, or anything that comes to the imagination in the heat of the argument. Some even go as far as to start up a business and outfit a retired police car just to have lights on a vehicle they own. These businesses usually are short lived and only do minimal business to keep the "company" they started alive. Usually whackers will have web sites celebrating their lighting abuse and you will see numerous flashy animations and pictures of real emergency vehicles with little to no real content. When confronting a whacker, you'll realize soon enough that they are always right, you are always wrong in their eyes. It's a mental state that only can be crushed by a dose of reality or leaving the whacker phase. The average whacker is probably a 16-28 year old white male, working a small or dead end job, lacking power at their job or in their personal life and is obsessed with police/fire shows, catalogs, or books.

Ok now the Whackers I know proudly show it. Down the Road 2 good friends of mine are the official "Sub-Station 17-Whackers R Us" LOL, full bar lights, millions of fire extinguishers in the beds of their trucks with traffic cones... extra lights trailers so extra equipment from the station incase of a huge incident(trailer they built their own)
Now for me I am with "The Whacker Brigade" LOL Me and my friend Lauren Bass started it when we got our new gear and when i got my new Vector blue light.

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If anyone is interested in lightbars, dash lights, and sirens I can give you a real good deal on them. I can get just about anything you could possibly want. Just send me an emil with what you would like, and I'll send you the price of the product. My email is shadowsstrobesnsirens@yahoo.com
OkOk I guess I am a whacker I have lights on my Honda Motorcycle, and am a member of the Knights of the Inferno Firefighters M.C. I ride my bike almost year round and it dosent have four ways. So I mounted 3 red strobs to it, for if the padger sounds and I happen to be on it at the time. I also have a 2002 former state patrol crown vic that is set up as a pilot car, and yes has all the lights still on it no siren though. I am even working on buying 3 more to make into pilots as well the gals like the one I got and drive it all the time when on the job. Thing is the new ones wont have red and white lights just amber and white that car is my personal one and have it set up to be a true whacker even have our dept channel programed in the work radio as well as dept stickers and fire dept plate on the front. So call me a whacker ok will admit it but will have your back when need it and will work right along side ya when the going gets tough and the crap hits the fan.
lmao love this, and the description of a whacker by the OP. So true, lights are pointless.
Whackers have so many antennas on their vehicles that ithey look liike a 4 wheeled porcupines.

Whackers have the "Calvin pissing on a fire sticker" on their rear window... right next to the one with Calvin pissing on the number of the NASCAR driver they hate the most.

Whackers have so many radios and lights in their POV they need to tow a trailer with a generator just to power up the electronics.

Whackers find aircraft following their vehicles at night looking for a place to land!

Whackers always have a minimum 2 handheld scanners on their person ayt all times, along with a pager and a cell phone, in addition to their FD portable if they are allowed to carry one.

Whackers carry the FD portable even if they are 500 miles away from their community, just in case they can pick up a signal caused by skip.

Whackers wear the types of FD T-shirts that a real firefighter wouldn't be caught dead wearing
The scary thing in all this is its so true. These dorks actually represent themselves as something they never will be. Its sad that we make a joke of something that is perpetuated by just what we are doing. Glorifying wannnabee's. Thats ultamatly why they do what they do. To be seen, heard and thought something they wil never be. Proffessional.
LMAO Ron A. I like it good one, I have two antenas one for my Co radio set up on 3 diff flagging channals, and a 4th chan for our Dept. The other antena is for the cb, to communicate with the drivers. We do have one fella who is not on a Dept that yes his rigs do look like a porkypine but no lights, just lots of radios.

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