On Monday May 12 we were called out to missing person search with possible rescue. Using our depts swiftwater boat we searched the river were the missing mans vehicle was found. Other firefighters walk the area around the river bank. The search went on through out the day. The Victim was found dead the next day several miles down stream. It looks as if its going to be ruled as a sucicide.

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Comment by Val Kemp on May 15, 2008 at 9:15am
I did my first water search for a suicide victim last fall. He drove his truck into the bridge abuttment at projected speeds exceeding 100 mph.. It literally exploded a full size Chevy. Like your scene, we finally found him 1 1/2 miles down river in the log jam after the corp. finally drained the river. This, after walking in that dangerous river in really cold water for two days. One minute the water is chest level and the next step over your head. Amazing-narrowly a mark on him. I also do EMS... suicides frustrate me because I spend more time with patients who if not begging with their words, begging with their eyes to help them,save them. Suicides are very selfish. Therefore, when I am dealing with a suicide my heart is in it for the living they left behind.
Comment by lutan1 on May 14, 2008 at 6:51am
I've done my share of suicides and they're never nice, and often worse if you knwo the circumstances that led up to it.

I've also done my share from the water and they're interesting, especially if they've been there a while and the fish have had a snack on them, and they're starting to fall apart....

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