shannon wiseley
  • 52, Male
  • Ft Hood texas
  • United States
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  • Matthew Voges
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  • Ted Nowland
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  • axeman
  • Billy Wright
  • Operator1PFD
  • Malinda Baum
  • sean currie
  • Jeff Wright
  • Trey Taylor
  • Emily Michelle
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ShannonWiseley's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
off and on for 19 yrs
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
mound Fire And Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
ekron vfd in 1992
Day Job:
U.S. Army
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To help people
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The satisfaction of helping people with out getting recognized
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Careless apparatus drivers

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At 10:26pm on July 20, 2010, Jeff Wright said…
Hey Buba
Just wanted to let you know Ricky Carnell passed away last night, the doctors gave him 6 months and he just did make it, cancer ate him to nothing..... Jeff
At 9:56pm on June 3, 2010, Jeff Wright said…
Hey Buba
Just want to fill you in on thing going on in the Point. Had a fatal structure fire in May, Walter Riddle in his trailer, didn't have a chance, it was fully involved wheb we went on-scene, we got in service and were on scene in less than 6 mins, had to been a delay in calling it in. Ricky Carnell is in the last stage of cancer, he looks like death walking, just waiting for the call that he has passed. Drag strip been going OK, fast time 180 MPH plus they took up the old strip over the winter and replaced it with concrete , more later....Jeff
At 2:01pm on July 3, 2009, Billy Wright said…
hey shannon anit talked to u in a while...well the fire department brought back jr. firefighting we got our gear and bager last wedsday and we learned how to hook up the hose to the hyrdant...we only got 5 jrs. it me,randall, cody, trevor, and alex
At 2:07am on May 24, 2009, Jeff Wright said…
It's We was busy as hell tonight, had 2 fires and 1 oil clean up. Fires weren't nothing bad, electrical and backfire in the pits, got done about 0045... Talk to you later.. Jeff
At 1:29pm on May 23, 2009, Jeff Wright said…
Hey Buba
Great to hear from you, sorry about your loss, this to shall pass. Glad your still safe, keep it that way. How much long you going to be in country Keep your head on right. Things here are going good, making alot of EMS assists, had 1 shed fire total loss. Gettin ready for Crusade and we're still working the race track. Trying to get some bike riding in between... Take care and let me know how things are going.... Jeff
At 9:34am on March 17, 2009, axeman said…
3/8 was not there yet when I was close by, but I think I know where your talking about....
At 11:44am on March 15, 2009, shannon wiseley said…
were by the helo pad by battalion
At 9:18am on March 15, 2009, axeman said…
Which motorpool at Murez are you workign out of? used to go to 3rd ACR motorpool to have our MRAP's worked on...the one across the road from thier HQ....
At 2:51pm on March 14, 2009, Bill Claus said…
Hey Shannon, I never thought of volunteering when I was on active duty. How does the Army view it? Do you get any hassle?
Thanks for your service, I'm SSG transportation 88M, will be heading home from the Iraq theater soon. Stay safe and take care.
At 4:35pm on March 9, 2009, Jeff Wright said…
Hery Buba
Got your note this morning,we had a ice strom and 6" of snow in Jan, took out the elecric for four days, one night got down to 7. We had one house fire that was a cooker and a 4 vehicle MVA with 2 trapped, everybody made it the the hospital. Hope everything is going OK for you... Chief

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