sean erskine
  • Male
  • Salt Lake City, UT
  • United States
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Type of Organization
Other Response Agency Type
Job Function
Training Officer, Firefighter, Fire Buff / Fire Enthusiast
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
i joined the wildland fire because i enjoy the great outdoors

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At 8:09pm on January 14, 2010, sean erskine said…
not much just been looking for work
At 7:08pm on January 14, 2010, sawyer317 said…
Just living the dream of a seasonal FF. whats going on with you?
At 8:09pm on July 8, 2009, sawyer317 said…
I dont have his number, I thought I did. I have mike dyke (engb) for E481. 801-368-7666. ask edith for Reed Shelley's number, he helped a guy on my crew go from AD to prevention to the engine. Although I heard a rumor today that they pulled the cert for the squad boss and the only thing left is the lead. Also see if you cant talk to Doug Jones(SF district ranger) or Robert Sanders (?) (neither of which I have contact info for, sorry) you may try talking to Donnie Dance(acting sqauad boss 208-841-6770) he might be able to shed some light on this a bit better than me, afterall I'm just an FFT2
At 8:57pm on July 1, 2009, sawyer317 said…
they're going to be pulling the cert off of avue so I suggest talking to edith and asking her what exactly you need to do to put your name in for the cert for the squad boss in spanish fork. I'm low guy on the totem pole but I can tell my engine captain and he would know more. I dont know if he would do the hiring for it, or the district ranger or the AFMO (the temporary AFMO is Mike Scott)
At 11:12pm on June 27, 2009, sawyer317 said…
whats up man. how's the AD thing going?

I just wanted to give you the heads up if you're qualified to put in for the cert for the Squad boss but we need either a lead or a squad boss for squad 3 on the UWF down here in spanish fork. we have one of our 2 engine captains running their show so we're kinda running as one module right now.
At 8:35pm on May 13, 2009, sawyer317 said…
yea they're having all sorts of problems with A.D. right now. One day I'm told I'm getting paid to be there, the next day I'm told I'm not suposed to be working until the END of may. so the A.D. is messed up all over the Wasatch Front & I've heard all over the nation.

anyway I'm with Eng 407, lemme know where they end up putting you. Squad 3 is looking for people I think. They're out of SF/Nephi area. if you're still looking for a crew I could talk to ....whoever's in charge of SQ3 if you'd like
At 9:30pm on May 11, 2009, WRFD 784 said…
I was just wondering how the video was coming. Let me know if I can help. Any action yet? Talk to you later.
Take Care and Be Safe.
Jeremy WRFD 784
At 1:52am on May 10, 2009, sawyer317 said…
what crew/agency do you work for? I just started with the USFS in Spanish Fork. Here's to a good & safe season! keep in touch on what fires you hit over the summer, we may just run into each other
At 1:20am on April 24, 2009, WRFD 784 said…
Sounds great. Have you guys had any fires yet or is it pretty dead still. I forgot. Do you work for the Forest Service or the BLM.
At 8:19am on April 23, 2009, WRFD 784 said…
I was wondering if you were able to get that copy of that video you said you had. If not then I was going to see if you could send it to me and I will make one so I can show it to my guys. Let me know.
Take Care and Be Safe.
Jeremy WRFD 784

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