Incendiary/Explosive Device Recognition
First Responder
Disaster Clean-up & Recovery
Post-Incident Water Purification (Potable water)
About Me:
My wife and I live in southwest Atlanta where I am a Building Captain (we live in an apartment community) in the Neighborhood Watch Program as well as being Recording Secretary for our Community Association.
I guess the really driving force was the death of my sister (18 mos. old) in a gas explosion back in May,1968. I decided then that I didn't want another child to have to die the way she did if I could do something to prevent it.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I am able to serve my community
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Illicit drug labs
apathetic citizens and government leaders
I see it everyday . . . drivers cutting in front of a fire apparatus, refusing to yield the right-of-way, or just blocking their path and refusing to allow them to pass. All too often, the end result ends up looking something like this . . .
Keep in mind that this accident took place, probably, somewhere in the 1920's or 1930's and things have steadily gone downhill from there. Now-a-days not only are cars…
Tommy,its great to see someone from my time in the Atlanta dept.I was hoping to find some of my old co-workers when I was on the Dept. frome 1967-1970. I was at station 8 downtown.Loved the place and most of all loved the fire dept,even when I got hurt and had to retire. Take care,be safe and God Bless
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