Tommy Gardner
  • 50, Male
  • Winchester, Virginia
  • United States
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Tommy J Gardner

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Other Fire Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
16 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Rouss Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Rouss Truck Company
Keyser VFD
McCoole Fire and Rescue
New Creek VFD
Keyser EMS
Star Tannery VFD
My Training:
WV Firefighter 1 & 2
WV Haz-mat 1 & 2
National Registry EMT-Basic
MD Firefighter 1
MD Haz-mat 1 & 2
Truck Operations
About Me:
Well there is quite a lot that I can say about myself. I am a musician who loves to reach out and help others. I Started at Keyser Fire department in 1998. I got a lot of my hands on experience while running with Company 33. I had seen a lot of action as well. Everything that you could think of, house fires, car fires, haz-mat, brush fire, forest fires, Motor vehicle accidents, trees down, the list could go on and on. I got hired for Keyser EMS where I was a EMT-B/Driver. I learned a lot from this field as well. You learn quite a bit when dealing with the public first hand in the back of a truck. You know there is where you really learn how to set your emotions aside, to get the job done. After running with 33 for several years, I decided to move to McCoole fire and rescue to further my knowledge. I attended the Maryland fire and rescue institute to get my training. I ran with 23 for several years as well. After doing this for many years none stop, the burning factor set in. So I decided to take a break from it all. I moved to Virginia in 2007, where there is a station 1 mile from my house. Star Tannery fire department, Company 17. I have since then joined up with station 17, Star Tannery is a small community, where everyone knows one another. Although they have area to cover in Frederick County and Shenadoah County as well. After being away from it all for some time now, I felt it coming back again, the urge to get back into the swing of things and start helping in the community again. So I hope that everything will work out just fine there. After running with 17 for a few years, My family and I moved into the city of Winchester. I have grabbed some apps from a few Departments, but I'm holding on turning them in right now. I figured I would take a break, and spend some time with my family. I run with Rouss Station 2 in Winchester, Va. It is a Truck Company, who also does extrication. They have a lot of History behind them, and I am proud to make it my new home.
Day Job:
Correctional Officer
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I had always had in my heart, mind, and soul to be a firefighter. I never knew how great it would be until doing so.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Knowing that at the end of the day you gave your all, and you still get to go home
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Politics, and funding

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Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 1:52pm on August 7, 2010, Roy Luther said…
Thanks for adding me Tommy!!!!!!
At 11:45am on January 21, 2009, Robert Venable said…
Welcome to th family TJ from MVFD(Middletown Co 12)
At 9:06pm on January 23, 2008, Keith Wright said…
Tough decal
At 8:40am on January 14, 2008, J.R. said…
Hey, Whats up? Everything is going pretty good back here. Hows everything down your way? And the web site is now It was cheaper to go to .com than when it was .org so we switched last year, just no one to set the new site up...
At 1:36am on January 2, 2008, M.A. Perkins E.M.T.(aka Tony) said…
welcome too ffn
At 12:34am on November 20, 2007, Bake said…

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