I was in a police department volunteer in a program known as exploring and they had a national leadership program that only 25 in the nation got selected to go to at good ole ft.lost-n-the-woods.... I applied because some of the officers I know wanted me to with me thinking there was absolutely no chance I'd get in (you needed an application about as in depth as a college one, multiple references, and the acceptance of your departments chief of police and county executive to even be considered)
.... lucky? me I got accepted and spent a week in the middle of july out there .... it was a good learning experience, I slept for bout a week straight after though
.... lucky? me I got accepted and spent a week in the middle of july out there .... it was a good learning experience, I slept for bout a week straight after though
Jan 6, 2008
Jan 6, 2008
Jun 11, 2008