Freemason Firefighters

Place where Firefighters to meet on the square
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  • Jean-Claude

    Hi All. hope you all well and going strong...does anyone know where i can get hold of some of the masonic badges. i started my collection and am trying real hard to extend it..... cheers for now
  • Kent Overby

    Hello brothers.  Started my masonic journey in Sept 1991.  Was coached by my training chief.  Served as Master in 1996.  Also, member of Amran Shrine Temple in Raleigh, NC.  Happy to be here.  May Brothely Love prevail.

  • Eugene E. Garnes

    Hello Brothers; Began my Masonic journey in November 2000.  I've served as Master of my lodge for a total of 7 years in Dover Plains, NY.  Having recently retired from work, this will allow me to become even more involved in Freemasonry which I look forward to.