

Hollywood, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Miramar Fire Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Let's see....mimimum standards, EMT, Paramedic, Fire Officer (state certified), Fire Instructor (state certified) extrication courses, BLS instructor, Driver Engineer (state certified) Public Infomation Officer, Community Education courses, Fire Science ......I'm sure I am forgetting
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I have never really been the girl who sits in the a/c all day filing my nails. I love to be in the action and love that work is something new every shift. There is nothing better than being on a nozzle or cutting up a car.....
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Why wouldn't I love the only job that gets your blood pumping everyday

Comment Wall:

  • Dave Galka

    welcome to the nation Gina, stay safe
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Gina, Welcome to the FF Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all.

    Chief William Sharp
    Brookings, Oregon
  • Ed

    Hi Gina welcome to FFN
  • ungureanu marius

    hy gina y em romania y hop to speak on messenger my id is altaaf13 end emayl is y hoop to speak very much on messenger
  • R Griffin

    Welcome to FFN BE SAFE!!!
  • Michael J Burke

    Hey Gina Welcome to FF nation from Massachetts. Take care and stay safe
  • Richard

    Hi hope you are doing well Rick
  • Foley&son

    nice crew pics looks like you guys have fun at work!
  • Byron

    Hello , Gina welcome to the FFN from Indiana.
  • Brandon Hager

    Gina thank you too....stay safe ur self......
  • Josh DeFlorian

    Welcome to FF Nation stay safe
  • a. kyle austin

    all i can say is ....Wow!!! welcome to ffn! hope to be your friend!
  • Clyde R Chapman

    Ever run across Steven McInnerny from Fort Lauderdale?
    He was 2nd in command there now he is Chief of Naples.
  • Edward Fleming

    Welcome to FFN Gina hope you enjoy.
  • Michael J Burke

    Hey Gina welcome to FF Nation from Massachusetts. Keep up the good work and stay safe
  • Irons38

    Yea i would love to come out and play and support the cause. not to mention contribute a few dollars to you girls LOL....
  • Erin

    Hey doll,

    Welcome to FFN.

    Stay Safe


  • Dudley Lynch

    Welcome to the Nation and stay safe!
  • Erin

    oh its cold here. thought we were done with the snow but we are supposed to be gettin some tomorrow. i'm over it would love to send it your way. how are things your way?

    stay safe
  • Thurman Yarber

    Thanks for the Add, Keep things safe down in Florida.
  • massin ludovic

    salut!merci d'accueillir un pompier parisien dans tes contacts! =)
  • massin ludovic

    =) tu es pompier a hollywood???je pense y aller bientot j'ai hate! ca fais combien de temps que tu fais ça?
  • massin ludovic

    ca fais 5 ans que je suis suis instructeur à l'école des sapeurs pompiers de paris.comment s'appelle ta caserne?je fais une collection d'objets venant des quatres cois du monde des pompiers!s tu veux des tee shirt des pompiers français fais moi signe! =)
  • massin ludovic

    ma taille est medium (si ce sont les tailles américaines!) =).vous pouvez l'envoyer à :Mr MASSIN ludovic 40 rue de la libération 77166 grisy suisnes, france. et vous, quelle taille faites vous? désirez vous quelque chose en particulier? merci pour votre aide! =)
  • Erin

    oh im jealous id love to trade ya im over this snow stuff we got more today its 14 degrees out right now.. I think its very cool all u fire girls found each other and hang out.
  • Erin

    thats very awesome. im the only girl. we got a part time girl but i only see her sometimes. i get along with the guys but its not the friendships i want. im better friends with the cops. but again very cool
  • Jakfire

    Hiii Gina how are ? did enjoyable as firewomen...
  • greg thomas

    Bonjour Gina Massin mon ami vous a sur sa page comme un ami, j'ai décidé de demander à tous ses amis que le mien. beau temps dans le huh États-Unis. fluent en français même si im american im
  • massin ludovic

    yes thanks ! i'll go to my station tommorow i'll send you a t shirt and a patch if you want it. =) have a nice week gina stay safe!
  • massin ludovic

    i received the tee shirt and the patch today!!!thank you very much gina!!!i 'll send you tommorow the same thinks but if you want another thing say it to me!!!bye maybe i'll see you later on this network page! =)
  • greg thomas

    no your cool, were in the buisness of being gone for long periods, but lucky you in florida, im in missouri the worst state ever, cold and dreary. but with my bunker makes it all that much better.
  • Jakfire

    Good Job....
  • adel

  • adel

    How are you doin hun
  • massin ludovic

    i wish you a good day! see you soon stay safe!
  • adel

    good morning, have a wonderful and safe day
  • Daryn Simpson

    hey how is ur day going for you?
  • Daryn Simpson

    really thats awesome, i love firehouse dolls u have to sign a photo for me then
  • Daryn Simpson

    that would be great gina thank you
  • Daryn Simpson

    hey gina, your not the only one on firehouse dolls now lol check out the pics they put up of me
  • Daryn Simpson

    its on the home page under the picture of you
  • Dave

    What were ya doing up this way?
  • John Rulli Jr.

    All is well on a volly right now in the process for a few depts tho. hopefully some dept snags me soon im getn burnout on testing just to be turned down ill do what ever it takes to get on full time! figured i would stack up my training folder with emt-b (finished up my emt class yesterday)looks good on paper but most of all its one more thing tomake me a well rounded firefighter!!

  • Brett Smith

    Thanks for the add Gina. Stay safe.
  • Sam Ritch

    Heading to the RedBull Flugtag Friday morn in Miami. If you have any single FF friends, send em our way. We will be hanging out at the beach and at the event on Sat noon till whenever!
  • frans

    hello, nice to meet you.