Dudley Lynch


Warrenton, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Arcola Fire Dept./Halifax Co. EMS/ Warren Co. EMS
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Firefighter I and II, SMAT II Team, Paramedic, NIMS IC Training
About Me:
I'm a proud member of the Haliwa - Saponi Tribe. My oldest son Nick is also a firefighter, and is currently enrolled in UNC Pembroke. I travel to pow wows with my family, and my sons and I are dancers and drummers. I started the Jr. Firefighter program in our Station with the main purpose of keeping our kids of drugs and alchohol, and out of trouble.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love to help people, especially my own.

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  • Firewriter

    Actually, at this point, I don't have enough blood left to bleed anything!! Slit my wrists over both my teams losing ... not pretty!! Sorry Dudley, not even a subliminal message about black and orange can make me root for Philly! Blackhawks for me! And you ask why? Probably a typical "female" answer ... I love hawks.
  • Michael Kidd

    Hi Dudley how ya doing? Havent been on in a while been working hard trying to get us moved in to our new state of the art station......Hope all is well down your way......
  • Michael Kidd

    check out the photos i posted