burgel fabrice




Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
About Me:
french firefighter
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
i search people to exchange fire coat and helmets

Comment Wall:

  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Burgel, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you dropped in to join the group. Dont be shy. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all.

    Chief William Sharp
    Brookings, Oregon
  • Leo Cartwright

    Hi there Burgel; I’m Leo from Australia, Paramedic; Welcome to FFN hope U enjoy this site and gather many friends during your stay. If you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends. If I have not added you as a friend, it’s because I have reached my Max and I am waiting for members to reply to me.
    I also collect Patches and badges and would love to show one of yours in my collection. I am looking for Police, Medical, Ambulance, S&R; Dispatcher & Fire Service patches. If U are interested, or U know someone in these groups please contact me. My Email is lecar1@bigpond.net.au
    If you feel like sending me one of your Service patch … don’t be shy….
    My address is:-
    Leo J. Cartwright
    246 Kay Street
    VICTORIA 3844

    Cheers Leo
  • Al Black

    I have a leather helmet to trade if you are interested. Drop me a line and I will see if I can get a picture for you. I would also be interest in a patch and t-shirt.
  • Al Black

    Sure send me your address so I can get it ready to send. I would like one of your helmets in return. My address is
    Al Black
    2604 Meyers Ln
    Spring Hill, TN USA 37174
  • Renee Moffitt

    Hey u interested in swapping tshirts? i have New Zealand tshirts, flick me an email if your keen kiwi_cric_chic@hotmail.com
  • Al Black

    I will try and get one soon. Right now we are in a flood stage and are pretty busy. It maybe friday before I get the picture if that is ok.
  • Al Black

    the silver(? )one
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Je crois que ce sont des pompiers français protestant quelque chose. Mais quoi? Vous devez admettre que ces gars-là me sentais très fort sur tout ce qu'ils protestaient contre ... Comme si les casques ... Rester en sécurité et toujours garder le sourire! Plus tard, CBZ
  • Jon Strong

    I would be interested in trading helmets and shirts.
  • Jon Strong

    My shirt size is XL
    Jon Strong
    1312 Ave. K
    Hawarden, IA 51023
  • Jon Strong

  • Jon Strong


    Hello Burgel,

    Thanks for the invite! - All the best to you and your Department.

    Dale G. Pekel
  • Devan Mills

    Hey, thanks for the friend request brother.. it is great to know someone from France! stay safe and god bless

    Devan, Engine 14.
  • Ben Zoppa

    I do not know of anyone with actual leather helmets. Sorry.
  • Laura McGaffey

    Hi Burgel,

    You might want to check with the East Coast (USA) big city departments. For example, Chicago, New York, Boston.

    Unfortunately, we don't use the leather helmets here and the on the West Coast (USA) most, if not all, departments use bullard helmets. Their use is becoming rarer because they cost around three hundred dollars and are much more expensive than the modern bullard by about two hundred dollars. The bullard is also believed to be a safer helmet.

    Thank you for your friend request and for posting the photo slide show.
  • Gary Stevenson


    I am also on the West Coast of the USA and like Laura wrote, we do not have the leather-style helmets you're looking for.

  • Marc W LaRue

    Theres a link that explains international shipping and what i feel is a good leather helmet roughly 375.790 EUR in america its 479.00 then you add your shipping fees to it
  • Shawn Matheson

    thanks for the invite
  • Janet Morlock

    Good luck w/ your helmet search...I'm a modern helmet dept and are "old" helmets were very basic traditionals.


    Which leather helmet are you looking for?
    I get my helmets on ebay. You might want to get one there.



    Yes that will be great. You can show me a picture of your helmet if you'd like. Which type of US helmet do you want?



    Email: superflyvipclub@gmail.com

  • Kent

    Are you still interested in trading shirts? I have some Colorado Fill the Boot shirts if you are interested.

    Thanks and stay safe
  • David Sharpe


    I am still interested in swapping tee shirts if you are. What size do you want? I would like a large from you. Let me know.
  • Kent


    What size shirt do you want buddy?
  • wampa

    Bienvenido My Friend is great stay here to FFN, House the Pompiers,your brother Wampa
  • RON aka "LUCKY"

    burgel, thanks for the add i don't take any of them lightly ,,,, but a bad move on your part though because now your gonna have to write now and then to help me remember who you are :-D ,,,, tell about anything, life, the wife, the job, kids, even a good joke ,,,, nothing like exchanging e-mails with friends when it's slow here at the station or at home when i'm chill-in ,,,, looks like you've been around so no need to share my welcome message with you ,,,, but i am anyway just to let you know where i stand ,,,, i also hope you read my profile to understand me a little more too ,,,,

    i made it my mission to warn new comers about people that trade patches and or tee-shirts ,,,, there are a few people here that just want to get something then not send anything back ,,,, i will not mail anything now till i have something in hand ,,,, my goal is not to get a patch from anyone i do not collect them ,,,, but i will trade duty tee-shirts from far away countries and that's how i got "BURNED" ,,,, i sent some sleaze a tee-shirt & 3 patches and got nothing back ,,,, so i warn them that like in the fire service, not all things may not be as they appear ,,,,

    work hard, play hard and train even harder, what we do makes a difference ,,,, be safe, god bless and smile a lot and every day, it will piss someone off ,,,,

    C-ya, be safe and god bless

    PS: love the pics, keep-em coming ,,,,
  • Mark Fuqua

    Thanks for having me as a friend. "STAY SAFE" Keep in touch.
  • Stefan Hilgers

    hey burgel,
    i have an german uniform to trade in size S . i also trade shirts and patches and helmets !
  • Stefan Hilgers

    stay save

  • Ryan Chinn

    always nice to meet other people interested in the same stuff, especially people of other nationalities.
  • Phil Towne

    Thanks for inviting me as your friend, injoy the net work
  • Phil Towne


    I would like to but we are a small dept. in New York State not to far from you country. We only answer 11 calls this yr. so far. Well wish you the best of luck talk to you soon.

    Phil Towne
    Newton Falls Vol. Fire Department