Janet Morlock


Huachuca City, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Huachuca City Fire Dept
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Associates Fire Science and State and Federal Certs
About Me:
We focus on community safety and education. As much as all of us in the business love the adrenaline of the fight we realize our primary job is prevention and education. We utilize clowns (yes I clown), characters and puppets to teach both youth and adults life safety messages and provide smoke alarms, booster and carseats and bike helmets. These programs are funded primarily by donations and grants. Our goal is "To put out fires before they start and to treat injuries before they happen". We are fortunate to have quality equipment and a great water system thanks to grant funding and the hard work of our members.

I am also the president of AZ Fire and Burn Educators Association (afbea.org) we provide support Fire/Medical/Law Enforcement educators in the way of low cost and free trainings and resources to support pre-school thru adult safety education. We have members in several states, Canada and Mexico.
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To promote safety awareness and foster sense of community. (One of my first priorities when joining was to bring EMS to the town.)
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Commitment to service, the "family" of fellow first responders and the fact that you never know what the day will throw at you.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Budget, Health, Appropriate Resources to do the job safely and at the level the public deserves

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  • Anita King

    Thanks you stay safe too.
  • Dave Galka

    Welcome to the nation Janet, stay safe
  • Mick Mayers

    Welcome to the Nation and I hope you get as much out of the interaction here as I have had. It's a great resource. While you are online, I'd also suggest checking out my blog, Firehouse Zen, over on the FireEMSBlogs network.

    FHZ is a little different than the rest, as our discussion is supposed to remain civil and cerebral. As we say, "It's brain food for Mongo". So come on by and check it out and if you are on Facebook, you can "like" our page over there as well. Stay safe-

    Mick Mayers
    Firehouse Zen