Jon Strong


Hawarden, IA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department
Years in Fire/EMS:
38 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Hawarden Fire & Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
38 years
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Never Enough!!!
About Me:
Hawarden is a community of 2500 people located in Northwest Iowa. The Fire Department has 32 volunteers and average about 35 calls a year. EMS is separate from the Fire Department.

Visit Firefighter Nation

Visit Firefighter Nation

Visit Firefighter Nation

Visit Firefighter Nation
Day Job:
Body & Fender Repair
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
"Brother, when you weep for me, Remember, that it was meant to be. Lay me down and when you leave, Remember ill be at your sleeve.
In every dark and choking hall, ill be there as you slowly crawl. On every roof in driving snow, ill hold your coat and you will know. In cellars hot with searing heat, at windows where a gate you meet, in closets where young children hide, you know ill be there at your side.
The house from which i now respond, it overstaffed with heroes gone. Men who answered one last bell, did the job and did it well.
As firemen, we understand, that death's a card dealt in our hand a card we hope we never play, but one we hold there anyway.
That card is something we ignore, as we crawl across a weakened floor. For we know that we're the only prayer, for anyone that might be there.
So remember, as you wipe your tears, the joy i know throughout the years, as i did the job i loved to do, i pray that thought will see you through... Also its a family thing: Older brother was firefighter for 37 years, my youngest son has been on for 5 years, 1 nephew just retired with 25 years, 1 nephew retired with 15 years, 3 nephews still on the department, 1 great nephew just joined our department, 9 cousins that served and 2 are still on the department.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
First In...Last Out...Adrenalin Rush

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  • Andrew

    trade patches.

    Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches.
  • Andrew

    And if I send you 2 different patches of fire in Ukraine - you can send me two patches? And can be the same.
    I believe that you are an honest seller, so the first is ready to send your patches.

    А если я Вам отправлю 2 разных патча пожарных Украины - Вы мне сможете прислать 2 патча? Можно и одинаковые.
    Я верю, что Вы честный торговец, поэтому готов первый отправить свои патчи.
  • Davi de Souza

    Hello friend firefighter, firefighter and I am also a collector of helmet and patch.
    I have a helmet to return, you have an interest in change.
    Or know someone to change.
    Please let me know if you know
    Please let me know if you know (look at the album), please send photo to my email
    Davi de Souza