
, Male

Hockley, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Rosehill Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
almost 20 years
My Training:
Well, the word around here is... My Chief invented fire, and I invented water to put it out... just to piss him off
About Me:
I have two attitudes. If you don't like this one, I promise you won't like the other one!
Relationship Status:

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  • Robert J. Haig

    Ive been retired 16 yrs. The Detroit Firemens Fund said there were regulations concerning carrying coffins on the hose bed of a rig. I took their word for it. Not being in the loop anymore I cannot quote the reg. In my time on the Detroit Dept. I saw many changes. A lot had to do with tradition. I carried many running mates to the cemetary on the back of a pumper. I would hope you are correct and that small bit of solace would not be meddled with by any branch of government. Being an honor guard you know the importance of a proper funeral for members lost in the line of duty. Thank you for your special service.
  • Robert J. Haig

    No offense taken my brother. I used to be President of Local 344 the Detroit Firefighters association. So long ago I learned that Firefighters are straight and direct. I have recently got back into the fray trying to promote the Fire service to the public. We are running the same way on the same track. Stay safe you have a special calling.
  • Jordan Smith

    Hey man, our new tender was assembled in Wisconsin at Custom Fire and they built our tank for it. The cab is an International and the truck runs great! It has already proved itself more than enough on wildland fires
  • Robert J. Haig

    Check out www.detroitfirefighters.com for an update on the refurbishing of the old Seagrave pumpers
  • Peter Lupkowski

    Nice post on the Polish Power group.
    Stay safe
  • Jeff Clark

    im glad you like the vid the cause of the wreck i dont know but but the from i saw on youtube it said the driver was ok and lived
  • Joe

    hey thank you
  • TexasFire

    Oldman...hahahaha...how about grumpy oldman...I thought I would bug you here for a little bit.
  • Jeff Clark

    thanx for giving me some of the insight of that vid hope to talk to you again soon tc and be safe
  • Jeff Clark

    the song that is the vid u told me the lady in texas wrote do you know the name and where i can find it at
  • FireCat

    would you be my friend.....LOL

    Cat :o)
  • FireCat

    I appreciated your comment "Why does it have to be a probie"?...I think you have a sense of humor in reagards to the part of your comment "The only problem is finding a bat strong enough not to break"...that is just too funny!!!

    Please be SAFE!
    Cat :o)
  • FireCat

    You are becoming my "HERO" in regards to your comment on “Why we should stop using the word volunteer”? Keep talking so far I’m loving every word you have to say…LOL

    Cat :o)
  • TexasFire

    I think I'm not the only one you have to spray with RAID!!!!...ha ha ha.
  • Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P

    Welcone to the Nation. I really appreciate your attitude about being the oldman at your dept. I have that reputation at the EMS service and fire dept that I respond with. Keep it up. We oldster's need to teach these young pups a thing or two
  • Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P

    Amen, Brother. Stay safe
  • roy yoder

    hey oldman 28 years would put you joining about 1980 same as me, but i started when i was 24 and now i am 52 and yea they try and tell me i am an old man around here to. but the last competition i took home 1st. not in the quick dress although that is around one minute 10 sec. anytime. keep kicking their tails and don't let the rigormortis set in.
  • roy yoder

    1978 i got out of school in 1974 and a lot of my school mates joined the dept. in Va. Beach Va. then i guess i was a late bloomer. hey thanks for you service in the military and keep up the good work. have read a couple of your post and your dept. has a good man with them. stay safe roy.
  • Wes Anders

    Ive seen several of your comments and have been impressed you are a level headed person who uses common sense in your outlook on things. I try to listen and learn and just wanted to think you for your discussions and comments Ive learned alot.
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    looked like a pretty intense incident with the semi on fire next to the structure... you've go some nice photos, nice eye for detail... always good to hear from a brother who's been doing this as long as I have. my folks live in Dallas, you far from there? see ya! Mike
  • Oldman

    Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.
  • Oldman


    There are only two things to worry about.
    Either you're sick, or you're well.
    If your well, you have nothing to worry about.
    If you are sick, you only have two things to worry about
    You will either get better, or you will die.
    If you get better, you have nothing to worry about.
    If you die, you only have two things to worry about.
    You go to Heaven, or you go to Hell.
    If you go to Heaven, you have nothing to worry about.
    If you go to Hell... you'll be so busy shaking hands with all your friends, you won't have time to worry!

    Author unknown
  • Joe Caldwell

    thanks for replying to my questins on SFFMA iam also a training officer and a instructor at texas A&M. i think the sffma should go bake to requiering testing what do you think?
  • Stacy Blackwell

    Hi There thanks for your feedback in the forums on the multi-tools. My Boyfriend is a Volunteer Firefighter and I am always looking for feed back on the Channellocks we sell! Stay Safe
  • Robin Inman

    Good afternoon Oldman....thanks for the comment on the Jellyfish blog. I couldn't pass posting it, because just when I thought I was at my wits end I read that and thought "Hey, my day isn't as bad as that poor guy". I enjoyed your "Why Worry" poem and the "Spoiled under 30 crowd", thanks. Take care and be safe.
  • Terri

    Thanks for accepting my invitation.
  • KS

    Thanks for the post to venomous snakes. I have that exact passage you quoted in the Wilderness Survival course book that I use when I teach Wilderness Survival. I was wondering if I had suddenly become reading impaired with the answer and ensuing rear chewing I got from two nurses on this. (the one at poison control and the school nurse who called pc instead of 911.) I am glad I am not the only one out there who was dumbfounded at how they told us to handle this.
  • Dave Dodson

    Appreciate the comment! Thanks!
  • Chief 29

    Thank you for joining the Group Antique Hand or Horse Drawn Apparatus.
  • Jim

    "Only 2 defining forces have ever offered to die for you....Jesus Christ and the American Soldier.
    One died for your soul, the other for your freedom."

    Lt. Col. Grant L. Rosensteel, Jr.

  • itku2er

    Great page love the pictures and the music.
  • Chad Furr

    God Bless you and stay safe. Love the article about the F-16's. All of my family at one time or another was in the USAF. God Bless all those who defend our rights to complain about stupid stuff. Rather it be here or overseas. 1 last thing. Thanks for the invention of water. My kids really enjoy it in the summer LOL
  • k hig

    No prob, did you check out that site i posted?
  • Roger Smith

    Hi oldman:
    I'm a crotchety old guy too. Every outfit needs one of us to keep the rest in line
  • Brent A. Ellis

    Thanks bro. I have had some flak for posting that one Perhaps, I'd do better to just stick to firefighting and pick my moments with comedy as I am much better at firefighting lol. be safe out there bro
  • Brent A. Ellis

    Yeah, I have a good friend who did some time and it was in part, from conversations I'd had with him that inspired me to wite "Life can Be funny Sometimes". He has completely turned his life around and now says going to prison was the best thing that ever happened to him in many ways, as it forced him to grow up & properly value life. Congrats on teaching as you do. I realize people who supervise those who have been in the "system" often have a have a tough and thankless job. You are also welcome for the add.
  • Paul Everson

    Hi "Old Man" I liked reading your comments about your age and running circles around the younger guys. You have a couple years on me! I have 21 years in Fire/ EMS. I am at least 10 years older then my crew and have to work my butt off to keep even or a head of them!

    Paul in Minnesota
  • Old Fireguy

    Just read your reply to "Where's the Outrage?" I've got the rope! (Should'a figured you for a Texan, nice tanker by the way.)
  • whitney

    hanover is near the wilkes-barre area
  • Loyd Dittfurth

    where do you teach at
  • Loyd Dittfurth

    Im going through an online academy thats where ive been getting these tests here lately. I already know alot of it from previous training. But I have found it interesting how many people have gotten away from the basics or dont know the basics.
  • Sparky3317

    I was just wondering if you could clerify for me how you think buying your own turnout gear is like freelancing on the fire ground if you you would not mind, because I havent seen you reply to the hoods discussion again.
  • Rossi Paloma

    Hey I had a pissing match with my Supervisor and I won....hhhhhhmmmm...LOL
  • Roy Luther

    Thanks for adding me brother!!!!!!
  • Laura McGaffey

    Hi Oldman,

    Thanks for your post on my thread "Declaring Death". I can't stop giggling at that last line.

    "Now I am not calling that Chief a primate, but..."

    Since primates are the highest order of mammals and includes humans, apes and monkeys, that line tells me you aren't even willing to assume that we a chimp, much less a human, for a chief. How far down the animal family tree do you think lies?
  • Laura McGaffey

    I was watching your photo slide show and started crying at the photos of the horse rescue. They showed in reverse chrono order and I thought it was a dead horse being interred. The sorta sad sounding music really added to yanking tears out of me. But, then I felt like such a fool when I opened all your photos and looked at captions and photo numbers.
  • Laura McGaffey

    The basketball P.T. fully suited up w/SCBAs looks like a great idea. I'll have to pass the idea on to the training officer (if we can find a basketball court).
  • Laura McGaffey

    Wow! Teamwork, air management, exercise, and MULTI-TASKING ! All while they think you've proven you're nuts. I definitely have to pass this idea on.

    I love the music, BTW.
  • wampa

    As You Wish master Yoda he he he regars from Chile
  • wampa