Tibor Lorinc


Nitra - Slovakia


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Other Fire Department
Job Function
Fire / Arson Investigator, 911 Operator/Dispatcher
Years in Fire/EMS:
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
I collect firefighter patches from countries around the world .
About Me:
My name is Tibor Lorinc and I am a 48 year old firefighter from Slovak Republic. I live in a small town called Velky Kyr with my wife and two sons. I've worked at the District Fire and Rescue Department of Nitra cityfor 22 years.
I love my job and I have great pride in being a firefighter. In 1998 I was awarded for heroism - saving lives by the Slovak State Home Office.
I am also a member of the State Hisotrical Committee of Slovak Volunteer Firefighters.
I collect firefighter patches from countries around the world .
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love my job and I have great pride in being a firefighter

Comment Wall:

  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Tibor, Welcome to the FF Nation. I am glad you dropped in to join the group. Dont be shy. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Takes a bit to kinda figure it all out but you will be glad you did. Have fun and look around.

    Chief William Sharp
    Southern Oregon Coast
  • Leo Cartwright

    Hi there Tibor; I’m Leo from Australia, Paramedic; Welcome to FFN hope U enjoy the site and gather many friends during your stay. If you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends. If I have not added you as a friend, it’s because I have reached my Max and I am waiting for members to reply to me.
    I also collect Patches and badges and would love to show one of yours in my collection. I am looking for Police, Medical, Ambulance, S&R; Dispatcher & Fire Service patches. If U are interested, or U know someone in these groups please contact me. My Email is lecar1@bigpond.net.au
    If you fell like sending me one of your Service patch … don’t be shy….
    My address is:-
    Leo J. Cartwright
    246 Kay Street
    VICTORIA 3844

    Cheers Leo
  • Jason Patrick

    Hello Tibor...Thanks for the reply...hope to chat soon...stay safe bro
  • Kevin O'Grady

    Good Day Tibor, I can send you a patch today if you give me your address. My address is as follows:

    Kevin O'Grady
    Box 653
    Hardisty, Alberta, Canada
    T01 1V0
  • Glyne Alleyne

    Hello Tibor, warmest greetings from the members of the Barbados Fire Service.
    We regret not having any patches to trade but still look forward to corresponding with you.
  • Hajee ali

    Hi Mr Tibor I,m glad too I found a New friend. god bless.
  • Kevin O'Grady

    Tibor - Sorry about the delay, your patch is in the mail.

    Be safe Kevin
  • adel

  • Glyne Alleyne

    Hi Tibor, just checking in to see how you are doing... I will be adding some new photos soon. Please drop by my page. STAY SAFE....
  • Gergő Csengő

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hello Tibor!!

    I wanted to say hello. I collect patches and if you are interested perhaps we can trade? Stay safe my friend.

  • Gergő Csengő

    Szia Tibor!

    Én is úgyszintén örülök!
    Mindig jó új jó barátot szerezni!
    Én jelenleg Szerencsen szolgálok még csak 4 éve és minden jót kívánok neked a jövőben innen Magyarországról!

    Üdvözlettel: Gergő
  • Gergő Csengő

    Kedves Tibor!
    Megigérem neked, hogyha küldesz nekem egy levelezési címet ahová elküldhetem szerzek neked egyet:)
    Örülök neki, hogy hozzájárulhatok a gyüjteményed gyarapításához!
    Minden jót!
  • Gergő Csengő

    Egy kis türelmedet kérem még de hamarosan küldöm.

    Minden jót!
  • Mikaël

    Hello Tibor, I would be interested by an exchange of sweat shirt. And You?
    Magyarul beszels?
  • Jon Strong

    What about trading helmets I have an old Bullard that our department used some years back.
  • Jon Strong

    I sent you some pictures of patches and helmet that I have for trade.
  • Clyde R Chapman

    Greetings from Rangeley Maine U.S.A.
    My hobby is collecting fire badges,pins,ribbons,shoulder rank insignia.
    I have = value of patches to trade for metal badges or emblems.
    Or I have several doubles of WORLD WIDE badges to trade.
    Want to swap? -- See my profile pictures to see part of my collection.
  • Clyde R Chapman

    My e- mail captainchappy@hotmail.com

    My mailing address Clyde R Chapman
    PO Box 405
    Oquossoc Maine 04964
  • Clyde R Chapman

    Thank you--I have several badges to trade --
    The last badges I recieved was from Slovenia and England.
  • Clyde R Chapman

    When you are ready to do some trading let me know.
    clyde chapman
    po box 405
    oquossoc maine
  • Jon Strong

    What do you have for t-shirts to trade
  • Mikaël

    Hello Tibor, my english is better that my magyar. So, maybe it's easier to talk in english.
    Tell me if you want to trade some patches or sweats.
  • Lars Ågerstrand

    Hi Tibor!

    My name is Lars and I work for the fire service in Sweden.

    I am looking for powerpoints or other training materials from Slovakia, do you think that you could help me with that?

    I am collecting training material from lots of countries and stations to gather them on a website. The website will be a great tool later to view how different countries and stations work in different situations.

    So do you think that is possible?

    Best regards / Lars
  • Tim

    HI Tibor,

    I sent you your patch 2 weeks ago and please let me know when you get it. I imagine it takes a while to get to you from the states, so please let me know. All the best and stay safe,

  • Tim


    Did u get my patch I sent you? My email is iaff-274@hotmail.com.

  • Lars Ågerstrand

    Hi Tibor!

    I've sent you a private message if you have missed it?

    Best regards and a Merry Christmas! / Lars
  • Clyde R Chapman

    Greetings Tibor,
    Forgive me for not sending your return swap yet.
    It is ready to go --however the mail is verry busy because of Christmas.
    Is it ok to hold the package until the new year so it will not get lost?
    Question--what is the badge railroad firefighter?
  • Clyde R Chapman

    Greetings Tibor,
    Today I sent you the packege with the items to trade.
    Please advise when it arrives.
  • Tim

    Did you ever get the patches I sent you??

  • Tibor Lorinc

    I have not received anything from you yet.
    Sincerely Tibor
  • kailashtiwari

    hello sir
  • Davi de Souza

    hello my friend firefighter, I have two patch of Brazil to change.
    See them in my albun photo.
    Davi de Souza.
  • Matt Nesius

    Thanks for adding me as your friend Tibor.
  • Matyas Petz

    Hello Tibor,
    beszélsz magyarul? You have a nice collection, and homepage:)) I think we should trade, Please send me you e-mail address and i will contact you.
    Stay safe...
  • Matyas Petz

    Milyen versenyre szoktatok jönni? Szakmai vagy sport?....
    Nagyon tetszik a honlapod, igazán szépen van megszerkesztve. Öröm nézegetni.Láttam hogy cserének van berakva egy FDNY alap karjelzés. Ez érdekelne engem. Cserébe tudnám adni az FDNY caveman karjelzést a profilomban a fényképeknél az első kép.
    Várom válaszod,
    Flórián legyen veled:))
  • Davi de Souza

    Hello Friend your patches and pins have arrived.
    Patches are great.
    I'll be sending you a patch that is a relic of the Fire Brigade of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
    Also send the new patch, currently used in firefighter and police.
    Davi de Souza
  • Michael

    Hey Bro
    I would b glad 2 trade patches with u . I have alot to trade 10 or 11 or so.
    Michael Wojick
    5316 Blow Street
    ST. Louis ,MO 63109
  • DUST

    Tibor my mom's side of the family is Slovak, good to me you!
  • yasin winyi yonz

    hay Tibor ? thnx for joining me at firefight . keep in touch...
  • DUST

    I got the patches today and will send you some this week!
  • alin dobre

    Nice to know us.
    We are close to each other and yet so far ...
  • DUST

    Hope all is well and wanted to make sure you got the patch I sent.
  • carlos zeballos

    hola tibor bienvenido ffn un abrazo carlos de argentina
  • carlos zeballos

    hola tibor mandame tu direccion para mandarte el parche un abrazo carlos
  • carlos zeballos

    tibor ok cuando pueda te lo envio un abrazo
  • rosauro t. duro jr.

    hi my friend, thnxs for adding me from your list, hope we see each other in the future,,,god bless....
  • Kent


    I have a patch to trade. Email me at kentheg@yahoo.com if you are interested.


  • DUST

    Vesele Vianoce a Stastlivy Novy Rok