

Björklinge, Uppsala


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Uppsala Firedept, Sweden
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Basic volunteer training (3 weeks)
National volunteer traning (13 weeks)
EMT training (1week)
Fire truck driving safety (must have this to drive with lights and sirens)

The Swedish training for "smokediverleader" (in Sweden there is two guys going in a burning buildning (normal call) and one guy sitting outside and is the lifeline to the guys inside.)
About Me:
My name is Fredrik Helmersson. I am a 28 year old male. I live with my girlfriend and my cat. I´m only a paid volunteer :( and i´m a truckdriver.
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I have always known that i would be i firefighter. It´s a calling.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
How can i not love it??

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  • Michael

    Sounds good. When u get them let me know. I have lots more to trade .
  • Stephane

    Hello i would like to trade whit you if you like i have a few canadian patch if you like...let me know
  • Tony Martin

    yes just send me one of your stations or department patch and I will return my dept. patch to you my address id tony martin 6582 shawn lane conway sc 29527. or send me your address and i will send one first. just let me know
  • eric deneault

    ok good, i send you one in return when i receive yours !! stay safe..
  • Tommy

    I would love a patch to trade I only ask that it comes from your dept.
    Just give me an address...I am getting a few together to send out in a few days.
    Tom Bodziak
    201 S. Warminster Rd.
    Hatboro PA 19040, USA
  • Stephane

    I dont know if it worked so yes i could trade 2 or 3 like you whant are you looking for some thing specific ?
  • Tony Martin

    Thanks as soon as I get it I will send you one back

    nsw fire brigade and some other australian fire rescue patches
  • Tommy

    anyone will work but would you please let me know when you get some in from your dept.
  • steve gray

    Hey how are things? Yes i would like some of your swedish patches but couldnt find pics. Do you want to trade i trust your judgement so if you want to let me know? I wont be on line friday cause a firefighter friend of mine was shot and killed two days ago at a car fire so i have the funeral all day but i will be back on sat. Thanks and be safe.
  • Tommy

    we can do two to you now and you can send two back when you get your dept patch again I am patient and if you are in this group I will trust you to send two later. less cost this way.
  • eric deneault

    Hi, i receive your fire patch today..... thank's a lot bro...
    Mine is on the way !!!
  • Michael

    Hey Brother
    I got the three patches today. I can hardly read your hand writing so I hope I am sending to the right place.
    Fredrik Helmossa
    Prastgardshsiden 20
    74361 Bjorklinge
  • Stephane

    Hi ok so Montreal Quebec and Saint Goerges is ok for you ? If you dont mind i would like : Brandforsvaret Halmstand , Vasterbergslagen Radonningstjanten , skara-Gotene. i found them on youre web site realy nicve web site !!! My son says that youre trucks are super cool .... ùlet me know if it's ok whit you and as soon as i get youre address i will send them out.
    Stephane Vallieres
    1290-32 Montarville
    J4B 8E2
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    How's it going add me as a friend so I can send ya a message!
  • Stephane

    Hi Fredrik ok just put a other one in its place im sending the 3 i told you about today let me know ...

    Take care and be safe
  • Big Jim

    Howdy Fred. I've always wanted to visit Sweden. I hear it is beautiful country. Since you are a patch collector, I will try to find one from my dept to send you. Drop me a note with an address when you get a chance. Stay safe.
  • Michael

    Sure can just let me know . Send me some patches and I will return the favor. Be safe Bro
  • Yee

    yep, that he is. His mom and dad and re part of the company so I'm sure he will be one when he grows up. For him it runs in the family, for me it was a little different. Stay safe!
  • Stephane

    Hope you like them ???
  • Michael

    When ever u r ready to trade let me know . I have one from my old volunteer dept. And I have one from Hannibal Rural both in Missouri. And I have some others from ST. Louis .
  • Michael

    Hey Brother just to let u know I would not trade with Mike Orbell from Canada. He stiffed me out of a trade. I sent him one in May and still have not gotten one in return. Stay Safe Bro.
  • Tony Martin

    Yes I have got the patch but your return address was not readable. It looked like it got wet ,but If you will tell me your address I will get it in the mail. Thank You Tony
  • Stephane

    Wow very nice ! Thank you so very much my son was jumpping all over when he got the enveloppe he thinks that the size of the patch matches the size of the firefighters arms !!!
  • Michael

    Alright well let me know how that turns out. Also do not trade with phil Huss of Germany he also did not return the favor since May.
  • Michael

    The State of Ohio
  • Tony Martin

    the patch is on the way
  • steve gray

    hey i would like to trade patches with you please respond. Thanks!
  • steve gray

    ok dude lets try this again sorry. i saw three i like :dala mitt, flen, and sodra roslagen(stockholm) please let me know if this works and thanks bro be safe.
  • steve gray

    If those are good to trade please send to : Steve Gray 4622 cecil pl.St.Louis mo.63116
  • steve gray

    Cool i can send you my ems(abbott) patch and my firehouse(affton) patch and will send you an SCT(abbott) patch. Hope these are ok and thanks.
  • Natasha Sharpe

    I will trade a patch, Let me know.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hello from Montreal, Canada! I will trade patches with you. I have Montreal Fire, Police and EMS! What do you prefer? I enjoyed your pictures too!!! Stay safe my friend!

  • Allen Wahlstrom

    Hej Fredrik! Jag är en Svensk-Amerikansk Brandmann i Soder Texas.

    Have a safe one.

    Hej Då!

    Allen Wahlström
  • Michael

    that would be ok. be safe out their bro.
  • Allen Wahlstrom

    Jag kan titta runt och se vad som finns. Jag jobbar för Department of Defense, så säkerhetsprövning är nödvändig för min ståndpunkt. Det finns många avdelningar i USA som skulle vara en bättre plats. Du kan också titta på att göra ett jobb handel med en amerikansk brandman. Nu när jag skulle göra i en minut om de två som godkänts.
    Jag kommer att titta runt och se vad jag kan hjälpa dig att hitta.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hello Fredrick! I would like to trade a patch with you. I am in EMS in Montreal, Canada. Please let me know! Stay safe my friend!!

  • Leo Cartwright

    Can send U One patch of 'Ambulance Victoria' - Australia if U wish to trade for one of your service patch. As a Paramedic, I only have Ambulance patch no Fire patches.
    If Interested please contact me by Email with your Name and address and I will oblige. Email =
    many thanks Leo Cartwright (Australia)

    hey hows things there brother all is great here i am now the training officer and was wondering if you would be intrested in trading fire department shirts and hats with me i can send you a shirt and hat in 2 weeks if you send me a shirt im size xl what size are you brother

    rob elliott
    8 scobie crescent bellambi nsw
    2518 australia
  • Jon Strong

    I would be interested in trading patchs.
    Jon Strong
    1312 Ave. K
    Hawarden, IA 51023
  • Gabe Alvarez

    Hey bro , interested in trading patches? I work for Daisy Mountain Fire Department, just outside of Phoenix ,Az. please let me know if your interested
  • Jon Strong

    Are you still interested on trading patches?
  • Jon Strong

    I would like to trade patches with you, and your right there are some out there that won't send you back a patch as a matter of fact the last two I traded with I never received a patch back I also sent out a shirt and never got anything back, that really sucks!!!
    Jon Strong
    1312 Ave K
    Hawarden, IA 51023

  • charles

  • Poly118

    hej hur mår du? Jag är Paulina från Chile.. jag hoppas att du är väl...

    hej då
  • Gregory Borg

    Frederik, My greatgrandfather was from near Malmo. He came to America in 1840. I was just in Stockholm in June, it was very impresive. My greatgrandfather was Ole Peter Borgquist, my grandfather dropped the quist, we now have Borg as a family name. Check out my profile to see my firefighting experience, welcome to the site.
  • Gregory Borg

    Thanks for getting back. You live in a beautiful country that takes care of it citizens, that counts for a lot. It is funny how life is and where we end up. America is a great nation but it also has great problems. Sweden is well respected where I live, Be proud of the homeland.
    By the way my wife's mother is also 100% Swedish, he grandfather came over in 1880 or so. Otto Andreason. My grandmother was from Denmark. Be safe at fires, train hard.

    Hello Fredrik,

    Thanks for your comments - They mean a lot! - All the best to You, your Department and the Country of Sweden.

    Your brother from the US,
  • Kent


    Are you interested in swapping patches. I work for South Metro Fire Rescue in Colorado. Email me at if you want to swap.

    Stay safe,
