
32, Male

Bainbridge twp. ohio

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
1 year
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bainbridge twp.
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
i have my 36 card and i am in class for my EMT-B and 240
About Me:
brown hair and eyes

need more ask
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
why not? fire? big trucks.? yeah..
Why I Love Fire/EMS
i love fire fighting, everything from saving people to the grunt work
Top Issues Facing Responders:
getting to the fire scene. new light weight construction

Comment Wall:

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  • Rhiannon

    that alright.
    you are still young.
  • Rhiannon

    wow your good.
    if im with someone that long i would want to get married to them.

    so had any fires latley?
  • BillySFCVFD

    Hello Dale,

    Thanks for your friends request. Looks like you might consider fire fighting as a career. Good luck with that and god bless you. I make it a habit to read my friend"s profiles. Upon reading yours I saw your answer to " I love being in fire and EMS because" Your answer " I love fire" might be taken the wrong way by some. Guess you left out the word "fighting" after fire. TCSS
  • Rhiannon

    you are crazy.
    seriuosly. you are so young.
    yeah we have had 5 calls just this week it has been a big one. and the week isnt over yet
  • Rhiannon

    yeah i suppose
    but i wouldnt rush into it to quickly.

    i want two kids aswell..
  • Rhiannon

    hey there..
    yeah im good. how are you?
  • Rhiannon

    why whats up?
  • Heather Kuzma

    really how was it/ and im doing great! hows the calls by you? and sorry i didn't get to you right away been busy with school! but im off this week until tuesday then i go back!
  • Peter Lupkowski

    Be careful with the "love of fire" thing. It could give people the right impression...
    Stay safe, learn often.
  • Heather Kuzma

    i agree! was she alright? did she get hurt badly? and yea last night in my town that i ive in got a call and went in as a car went into the town pool but it only went in near it and broke the fence that was around the chemocal pipes for the pool and broke the pipes!
  • Tom Chmielowiec Jr.

    Hey Dale thanks for the add, hows things in OH? take care and stay safe
    Omnis Cedo Domus
  • Michael Vito

    Hello Dale, Thanks for the add. Greetings from the smoke eaters of the Philippines. Keep safe bro. Mike
  • Tom Chmielowiec Jr.

    Hamburg is the same it SNOWed here yesterday friday is supposed to be in the 60's
  • Heather Kuzma

    ouch yea thats suck and yea i agree
  • Tom Chmielowiec Jr.

    tru that- MVAs (stink) to say it nicely.
    funny part is, ive lived in the "snow capital" all my life and never learned how to snowboard. whats up with that...
  • Rhiannon


    sorry i have been away on holidays.

    how have you been??
  • Rhiannon

    it was so good i really needed it. it was so relaxing.

    whats up??
  • Rhiannon

    school was the best time of my life. seriously enjoy it.

    who became president?
  • Rhiannon

    when will you know?
  • Rhiannon

    i know i have been watching the tv i was watching it when they announced it
    thank you though
  • Rhiannon

    thats ok. i didnt realise i could watch it.
    thank you though
  • Pierre Halleux

    Hi Dale, happy to be your brother. Be safe
  • Pierre Halleux

    I'm good and you ?
  • Melanie Bragdon

    Hey Dale thanks for the add take care and be safe out there and welcome to the nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Melanie Bragdon

    Hey Dale thanks for the add take care and be safe out there and welcome to the nation!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Rhiannon

    hi there..

    how are you??
    sorry havent been on here in a while.

    anyway how has your week been??
    excited for christmas??
  • marc gillespie

    Thanks for the add / stay safe Lt. M Gillespie
  • michael tyndall

    you see that saw in the pic we party real hard when we aint on duty so its their just in case
  • Michael LaRose

    it was created by my girlfriend Ashleigh.
  • Heather Kuzma

    hey whats up how you been and hows everything going?
  • Heather Kuzma

    that sounds like fun and its ok cause i havn't been on in awhile either yesterday was my first day back on
  • FireCat

    Thank you for the request! TCSS

  • jerry baldwin

    hey dale great music. sorry it took so long to add you. hang in there as a junior, i know you will make an outstanding fire fighter. stay safe brother.
  • Christian Cossey

    I'm doing alright. How about yourself?
  • Jill

    its ritbag.com...have your chief check it out!
  • Southern Chick

    hey thanks for the add! so how are you? wow your started in at a good age! wow, i remember i was about 15 when i got my first real fire! stick wth it and dont ever let ne one take that away from you!well take care and stay safe out there!

    Much Love,
  • Cody Baker

    Hey Dale, Add me...
  • Cody Baker

    Yeah Anyway Email me anytime And just yeah. Ummm I don't know stay in contact its always nice hearing from someone...
  • Cody Baker

    I was asking LOL sorry if it sounded like I was demanding you but I'm not ok so no worries. Anyway I will talk to you later hopefully
  • Cody Baker

    Ok Cool LOL
  • brittany (phire saint)

    hey how r u ??
  • brittany (phire saint)

    lol thats funny me too i have real bad allergies
  • Rhiannon

    hey you..

    Yes i am still alive..

    sorry i have been really busy..

    how are you?? what have you been up to??
  • Rhiannon

    hmm not much..

    i went down to vic to help with the fires there and just been working and studying.

    sorry i have been so busy..

    how school?? summer is coming soon for you guys
  • Max L

    yes bud it is salem ohio
  • Jeffrey C. Faber

    Well were would the fun be in using ladders
  • Southern Chick

    Hey there! sorry its been so long since I have been able to write, stuff is starting to pick up around here since wee will be heading home here soon! I just wanted to stop while I had a second and tell you all thank you for your love and suppport! I hope all is well at home and see yall soon!
    Take care and Be Safe!

    Much Love,
  • Christian Cossey

    How's it going?
  • Christian Cossey

    Well get on more and talk to me lol. Do you have Yahoo!, AIM, or MSN instant messenger?
  • L

    you too! stay safe!