Southern Chick

37, Female


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
ever since the first time my papa took me into the fire house
About Me:
Currents: In the Army & Serving in Iraq....

Other Stuff...

I have always been around a fire station my whole life, my grand-dad was a fireman for like 34 years or more, he retired from being a full time fire fighter and still practically lived there long after that, up until the day he died.

I was a firefighter for about 2 years and then got out of it my best friend Alex, is still living the dream of course and is currently an emt working on his paramedics.

I plan to reclass of course from my current job in the army and get my military fire fighters, and paramedics which im really excited about!

There is actually a really great group of guys over here at the fire station they are all civilians working over here to get the job done!
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Fighting Fires and Saving Lives..... Why Else
(I love you Alex A&F)
Why I Love Fire/EMS
there is nothing I'd rather do...

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  • sammy Hall

    howdy, hows the army thing goin way out there for ya, hope u aint been in to much trouble but thought i would drop in an see how ur doin but b good an stay safe ttyl
  • sammy Hall

    hay there hows things goin for ya
  • Alan

    Glad to hear that you all will be home soon. That is great and I know your families will be glad to see you. Take care and be safe coming home.