Christian Cossey

35, Female

Louisville, KY.

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Use to work for California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire)
Years With Department/Agency
About Me:
I love slushies from 7-11. I'm deathly afraid of penguins. I don't know why, I just am. I have about a million different personalities. I'm the athlete, the musician, the writer, the photographer, the emo girl, the punk, and so much more. I try to find some form of interest in everything. I'm really good at turning boring situations into great fun situations. I'm a wishful thinker with the worst intentions. I'm not one for complaining. I'm running out of sympathy and I still don't sleep. I don't take anything lying down. Ummmm let's see, I'm 5'9" and 139 pounds. My hair color is always changing and I have hazel eyes. I love BMX racing. I became a professional BMX racer in January of 2007. I like dirt jumping, flatland and do some street riding on my bike as well. I also love aggressive rollerblading. I turned professional in rollerblading in 2006. I also love to MTB, skateboard, MX, wakeboard, snowboard, play paintball, baseball, and hockey. I also love playing every instrument possible. I can play the electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, and piano. Monster Energy Drinks and Lucky Charms rock. I love just chillin' and watching movies and listening to music. I love to travel. I have been all over the United States, Canada, and Australia. I'd really love to go to Germany (No, I'm not a Nazi lol). I believe this society has gone to hell and not too many people care either. One thing I don't like about the majority of people is that they don't try to fix a problem until it's already too late and unfixable. I think the war we are fighting now is for a dumb reason. I lost a brother to this current war. I'm not a tree hugging hippie and I'm not an all out kill everyone type of person. I believe in fighting when it is needed, and fighting is not really needed that much. Most people just believe it is. Well guess what, it's not. Sometimes I wish people would just open their eyes and notice that such a great place is just going to waste. I highly doubt a lot of people would notice though. Half of them are just decaying in a world of greed and hate and they don't even know it. Right now I'm still in school. I have my AA in Journalism and I'm working on my BA in Criminology. I have my BS in Political Science as well. If there is anything else you wanna know about me just ask. Either message me on here or my Yahoo! IM is: cosseychristian My AIM IM is: kristencossey My MSN IM is:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My father was a firefighter and I grew up wanting to be him.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It just runs in my blood.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of training and paying attention to the situation.

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  • Dale

    thats no good im sorry to hear that, i hope your feeling beter =)
  • Joel Ferrett

    I'm doing good, I am now the accountability agent for my station and working on becoming a multi district accountability agent. How have you been?
  • peter laurimore

    it been a long time but im back