Justin Buck



United States

Profile Information:

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Volunteer Fire Department
Job Function
Firefighter/Driver Operator
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Ouachita Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
My Training:
Basic Wildland, Mod.1( Intro), Mod.2( PPE), Mod.3(Hose), Mod.4(Ladders),Mod.5(Ventilation, Forcible Entry & Loss Control), Mod.6(Water Supply, Fire Streams, and Portable Extinguishers), Basic Pump Ops, Auto Extrication, Bus Extrication,ICS-100, IS-700,. Forestry Classes( S-110, S-130, S-190, and L-180) and many more i just listed a few above.
Day Job:
Im a dispatcher for Arkansas Forestry Commission
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To help others in need
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Is helping to save lives and property
Top Issues Facing Responders:
more respect from others

Comment Wall:

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  • Chris C.

    same here which is good for the for the people that lost there power from last storm we had here
  • Kenneth

    w0rd, yo.
  • Ernest Thurmon (ET)

    Thanks for the welcome
  • Meaghan

    Thanks for the welcome- You stay safe also!
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    I'm there for you bruddah! a little hawaiian for you... in fact, here's a hawaiian word for you to memorize and use...

    Cool - I'm sure you might have used this word a few times...

    -eana - put on the end of words to make it Hawaiian. Example: Mount Kileana

    Put them together and you get COOL - EANA or cooleana. This means responsibility. So next time someone asks you to do something you can tell them that it's not your cooleana!

    TCSS, Mike
  • lloyd

    Hey Justin, my wife and I will make every effort to attend the AFC fire show. Sounds like a lot of foun. Maybe I'll see you there. Stay safe brother.
  • Rhonda Rae

    Thanks 4 the invite to the AFC show tho i disnt need it considering the contact number you gave is my father lol. Glad to see the word gettin out tho. :) God Bless and be safe
  • Darryll Hamlin

    HI JUSTIN! from my home town of petoskey,michigan just wanted to say hi and thanks. hope all is good you take care and be safe!
  • FireCat

    Hi Justin -

    How are you? Thank you for the comment on my sniper kitty picture.

    Cat :o)
  • FireCat

    Hi Justin -

    Thank you for the friend request!

    Cat :o)
  • FireBarbieT&C16

    Things are good in Ny, thx to me lol jkjk. things are calm not much going on here. how are things there? thx for the add =) stay safe!
  • Mandii Dawn

    Hey everything is going good. We had a nice size grass fire that was threatening some houses. And in the midst of all that we put 2 brush trucks outta service! Ha, Hows things going on your end?
  • Mandii Dawn

    ha nice
  • Jonathan

    hey justin thanks for the add awesome page man
  • Bret

    no problem your welcome..(:
  • Aaron Robbins

    long story short when they cut the legs sparks were flying right well some one called 911 and said sparks were coming from the tower and we got there and they were cutting the thing down so we stayed in case somw one got hurt so i filmed it, ill redo the lettering lol
  • kenny goines

    All is good right now othrer than being a little short handed because we got 5 people in camden in rookie school. It kinda sucks right now but it will be great when they get back!!
  • anne potter

    no problem any time... cool round on word assoc,but time for me to call it quits.. you know old woman past my bed time .. catch you later. Justin....
  • united 289..{Dave}

    Hey justin. I just run a cross them. The creation of a firefighter I came a cross that one a year after 9/11. Wish you could know. I found that on a web site. Try goggleing see what you fine. There is also a creation of a EMT. I have seen it. I do not have acopy of that one.
  • Bob H

    You have a lot of cool videos. Thanks Sir.
  • dj lee

    thanks for the input on which light is better thanks
  • lutan1

    Justin, I'm suggetsing in 2008, it's perhap not OK to call people retards, regardless of how stupid their actions may be. (As the video clearly depiocts!!!)
  • Brandi Patton

    its going how have ubeen
  • Aaron Robbins

    hey nice pics, were did u get the 9/11 pics?
  • Tandy Young

    Hi! seen your location and I wondered if you may have known my late brother in law. His name was Delbert Harris but went by Dale. He passed away last year and worked some with the fire department. If you didnt thats ok. nothing ventured, nothing gained
  • Alyssa

    um thamks
  • Darryll Hamlin

    Hi Justin! just wanted to say Hi you stay cool I like you page good job, you take care be safe and god bless.
  • Tandy Young

    cool! yeah his son is named dillion. he's living with his biological mom in Texas. he's desperate to touch base with anyone who knew his dad. if you like , I can send you his email if you would like to drop him a line. he'd appreciate a lot
  • Amber Hackworth

    hey thanks and take care yourself!!
  • Royce Terry

    hey sorry its because there was already a post about POV and the man didnt like that i started a new one so heres the link to the one that is already up http://www.firefighternation.com/forum/topics/889755:Topic:263987
    Sorry about that again
  • Jenelle

    hi add me
  • jeff

    thinks are goen fine up this way tylar started me to a fire this afternoon but i didnt make it to the work center tho
  • jeff

    yeah the f/a in saline county were is pulaskie going
  • Beth

  • James Tell Benson

    when i am called to duty, God,
    wherever flames may rage,
    give me strength to save some life
    whatever be its age.
    help me embrace a little child
    before it is too late,
    or save an older person form
    the horror of that fate,
    enable me to be alert and
    hear the weakest shout,
    and quickly and efficiently
    to put the fire out.
    i want to fill my calling and
    to give the best in me,
    to guard my every neighbor
    and protect their property.
    and if according to your will
    i have to lose my life,
    please bless with your protecting hand
    my children and my wife.

    A Fireman's Prayer
    by anonymous
  • lloyd

    Congrads on the engagment man.
  • patirica

    mine as been crapy but now it is better that im getting a divorce
  • brittany (phire saint)

    thanks for the welcome
  • Haylee

  • Haylee

    Yeah, you too :) we should hang out when I move down there lol because the only people I know down there are my family
  • Haylee

    Yeah I am, Im gonna go to college down there to be closer to my family
  • finally happy<3

    SPEED 95 miles an hour in a 45 we hit gravel and lost controll
  • Rhonda

  • finally happy<3

    idk just cuz we were young and speed was fun
  • Melinda Horn

    Thanks for the welcome! I'm happy to be part of the group.
    Have a great week.
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    Great vids Justin,
  • Jim Brunelle Jr.

    Hey would love to hear the story on that busted up helicopter.
  • crystal gale vickrey

    Hey Justin,
    Hope all is well, thank u for adding me. We have somethings in common we both are freshly new firefighters. Be safe out there and thanks again for adding me as a friend.
  • Meaghan Gruenwald

    Thankyou, and you too!
  • A.J. Johnson

    Justinnnn....What's going on on your side of the world huh? !! Hope all is well. :)