Melinda Horn


Hot Springs National Park, AR

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Military/Federal Response Agency
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
US Forest Service AD
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
I'm also a volunteer with Mt. Pine Fire Dept.
My Training:
I have had all the Modules and have taken Structure 1-4. I'm signed up for LP Gas & Flammable Liquids. That's the only one I'm missing for my advanced. I've had auto extrication, Hazmat Awareness & Ops. I'm a scuba instructor & I've assisted the Garland CO SO with Search & Recovery. I've had all the classes for advanced wildland firefighter. I used to go out on hand crews & engines, but I'm getting too old to dig line & carry a chain saw around all day. I think I was getting carpel tunnel, it was making my hands fall asleep. That's not good when you're a massage therapist. I go out now through the Buffal River National Park Service as a Radio Operator or as a Line EMT. I have my task books for Medical Unit Leader, ABRO (Air base radio operator), & INCM (Incident communication manager).
About Me:
I'm a Jane of all trades. I do stucture fires with 2 volunteer fire depts. and I go out to US Forest Service fires when called. I'm a licensed massage therapist in AR, & TX. I do permanent cosmetic tattooing & piercings. I teach scuba & karate. I had a friend that asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up and I told her that I wasn't going to grow up. I like having different jobs so I don't get bored with just one.
I will stop and pick up any stray animal that I see and find it a home or take it to a no kill rescue.
Day Job:
Massage Therapist & Scuba Instructor
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Since I was a scuba instructor I had the DAN O2 class and worked in the county. A friend of mine was on Piney Vol. Fire Dept. and asked if I could join as a First Responder. I took the First Responder class at Camden and then went on to take my EMT. I later took my wildland classes and started going out with the Forest Service. I just got into Structure fires about 5 years ago. I went about things backwards I guess. Most people join a vol. fire dept and learn to be a firefighter then first responder. What can I say? I'm backwards that way.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I get to travel all over the US to help people.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
I have to deal with rough terrain and weather out west when I go out as a line EMT. I just went through a hurricane evacuation when I was working on the Oil Spill clean up. Thank goodness Bonnie wasn't what they thought she would be.

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  • WRFD 784

    How is everything going? Not much going on here. Are you still on fires?
    Take Care and Be Safe.
    Jeremy Black WRFD
  • Cheryl Borum

    Hey Mel. How's it going?
  • Ray Edwards

    Are you still on Oak Grove. Heard about the Chief. Praying he will be ok. God Bless