Allen Wahlstrom


Richland, Washington

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
UMCD FD Oregon
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Aledo VFD in Aledo, TX 1983-1988, 2005-2006
Federal Fire Service:
NAS Dallas 87-90
NAS Pensacola 90-92
Carswell AFB 93-94
Ft Stewart/Hunter AAF 94-98
Ft Hood 98-02
NASCC 2006-Present.
Gatesville FD 1999-2001
Gulf Breeze FD 1991-1992
My Training:
Driver/Oper - ARFF Structural Aerial Tender
Wildland I
Rescue Tech I
About Me:
Grew up in a fire service family. Uncle was the Chief in our town, so it was expected I would go into the fire service.
Started at 16 with Aledo VFD and went paid in 1986 with the USAF,
DoD Firefighter from 1987-2002, and 2006-Current.
A-Shift Union Stew'

I made this widget at

Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
The Family Biz...
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Well this has changed...
firefighter fitness, training, and traditions...

Comment Wall:

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  • Aaron

    I would like to thank you for your vote. Please do what you can in spreading the word. The 1st/2nd place video is extremely stupid and it would be sad to see them win.
  • Swedish firefighter

    Hej Allen!

    Jag är ledsen att jag inte sett ditt wall comment förren nu! Jag har inte varit inne på denna sidan sedan jag registrerade mig! Jag skall bättra mig! Ha det bra!

    Mvh Jonas
  • shannon wiseley

    hi how are you? my parents live in Corpus Christi, . just thought i would drop a line.
  • Sarah

    hey ur new probie been talkin some stuff about you! lol! jk! it was all good! hope ur day is going well and the new baby is doing well!

  • Krazyb5

    There's a lot to do around here if u r with the right Firefighters club, cotton mill, boot mill, museums, lots of pups. I'll probably see ya around, dont be shy to come to the Fire station and say hi.
  • Jason Edwards

    Okay... Just shoot me an email whenever.

    Look forward to hearing from you
  • shannon wiseley

    Well we had are own windy days. Hope everything is going well. Have you had some warm days?
  • PJ

    Hey, Allen!

    Thanks for the post and your .03 cents. LOL!! You made some very good points. BTW, say hello to Danny G. and Rick H. for me. They both used to work here at WSMR. Thanks again and be safe out there!!

  • David Jordan

    Hey there. Long time no see. How are things going?
  • Ray Purcell

    Hi Allen, sorry no joke. You need to let all of the people you know about this.
  • Philipp Huss

    hello allan,

    how are you? i hope all is well in corpus christi.

    take care and stay safe!!!

    your german friend
  • Rob Fritsche

    If you have room, I'd love to play FFL
  • Firedog

    Hey allen is there still room in your FFL
  • FireCat

  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Oh fine... just copy what I said... take the easy way out, don't commit yourself in front of 22,000 people... : ) Actually, reading the post response to how he attacked the fire, I'm not sure that it's always a good idea to jump to the head of the fire without first anchoring in and creating a safety zone. Lot's of folks have gotten killed in simple grass fires, not to factor in a grove of trees. Wasn't there but maybe I'm just a little cautious. It's all about going home in the morning. Have a fun day Allen, Mike from Santa Barbara

  • FireCat

  • Kimberly

    Hi Allen, my name is Kimberly. I just joined FFN and I am looking for an old friend. His name is David Spicak. I think the guys called him Speed. He had been with CCFD as a driver for a number of years the last time I saw him. I ran an advanced search to see if I could find anyone in CC, but you were the only one that came up. By chance do you know him?
  • FireCat

    Myspace Comments - Dallas Cowboys
  • FireCat

    I sent him an Eagles graphics.

    I like both of you and don't want either one of you getting mad at me.

    I wanted to spread to some joy! When I was a small child I loved head coach Tom Landry and still think he was the greatest coach in football!!

  • FireCat

    The funny thing is that I'm a Steelers fan!!
  • FireCat

    I also loved quarterback Terry Bradshaw. Remember how many times the Cowboys and Steelers would meet up at the superbowl?
  • Kimberly

    Thanks so much. David and I were close friends for many years and somehow lost touch. I appreciate it!
  • sarah

    hmmm imagine that, the incentive is health and keeping your job, what a great idea!
  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Hey Wally, No, I'm out on the Fantasy Football league, no time!!
  • FireCat

    Hi Allen -

    How are you? How is the football battle between the Eagles & the Cowboys?
  • FireCat

    How does the Fantasy Football work?
  • Michael

    Hello from Baltimore City Fd. Local 964. You seem to have a wonderful family. After a bad day on the job its family that keeps us grounded on whats important. Stay safe brother..
  • FireCat

    Congratulations Allen!!

    On the Cowboy's victory over the Eagles.

    Is Philly crying?


  • debbie snacks

    When the wicked stand confounded, call me with thy saints surrounded.

  • debbie snacks

    Tá fáilte romhat!
  • res193cue

    Wow... Häftigt. Jag är lite smått sugen på att flytta till USA själv och försöka få jobb som brandis där. Vill åtminstone prova på det ett par år. Gärna i en state där det är sommar året runt. Hatar snö, slask och kyla. Du kan inte fixa anställning åt mig på ditt brandförsvar?? :)

    Have a nice one själv

  • Crash Captain

    Hey Allen, Ron Sten from NAS Fort Worth here. Just wanted to say hi and to let you know that Carswell firefighters are having a reunion in March 09. If your interested let me know as I am helping with contacting people. Email is
  • leigh anderson

    i am sitting here thinking about that song- fisherman blues- that's so me. i love texas! THANKS
  • Amber

    Yeah, sorry about your team's loss and sorry you have to be friends with WestPhilly on a day like today. You have my sympathy.
  • FireCat

  • Chris Hayden

    Thanks for backing me up on the Fireproof discussion. That other guy was an explorer with less than year of experience. I'm sure he's well versed in the ways of the world.
  • Dustin J. Millis

    Hey brother... just read your "fat guy" blog. Congrats on the acclomplsment so far!!! I'm hopin you can help me though... I like to consider myself pretty fit and in shape. I hit the gym four or five times a week and run a 2 or 3 miles a day (depending on what i feel like lol) but I want to get into riding. I've wanted to for a long time but dont really know where to start. I'm not sure what bike to really be looking for, what things I should know before starting any serious rides, etc...
  • morris washburn

    Hello Brother , Thanks for the friendship, I will try to get rid of the major fats ,LOL . I have not rode a bike in about 35 yrs???? The protein is more important. Have a greatwek b safe .
  • Sarah


    I just wanted to come by and say hello.. I saw the newer pictures of your kids.. OMG they are growing up! time passes by way to quickly... Hope all is well!

  • Patty Jackson

    I like the Jags as long as they are not playing the Steelers!! Love my Steeler Football.
  • Ellis A. Archerda III

    Hey brother,
    I have lived here in Manteca since 1999. My wife was born and raised here. I work for DLA San Joaquin Fire Dept. Federal depot next to Manteca. Its a very progressive department and am loving life now.
    Be Safe
  • Lars Ågerstrand

    Tack så mycket Wally!
    Thank you Wally!

    Well I can tell you that I am working on a website that will allow you to get a much better understanding on how we operate in Sweden and other countries in Europe.
    Though the website will not be launched until Jan 2010, been working on the functions and the content for a year now and the pieces start to fall together.
    I have a big interest in how other stations and countries operate and a big part of the website will be dedicated to just that, on a fire fighter level.

    Maybe you/your department would like to join in on a small part?
    We will have an area with an exchange of powerpoints/educational materials on the site. The idea is to get at least ten different materials from different countries and stations so that you could get some new ideas from it. Much is the same, some are impossible to use but their may be some fragments that I can use in my department and my drill.

    Best regards / Lars
  • Lars Ågerstrand

    No we no not have the same problem, but some cities have those problems in some areas of the cities (like Malmö). It is kind of a head scratcher to why and how the problem should be solved. Sure the police try to get the persons responsible, but it is almost impossible to catch them due to the lack of evidence. It is against the law to use public cameras etc on the trucks due to the "personal sphere" of the individual should be protected.

    But it is basically a political problem and they are really after the police, the firemen just gets in the way sometimes.
    So yes it is a problem in some parts, but in 99,999% of the times the firemen are heroes and very appreciated:-)

    I glad that you would like to take part in the exchange, I will contact you later so that you can send the material. Then later you can access the other materials on my website.

    Yes, building websites is a mess but vital today.
    I am also the webmaster of the official website of my department, though it is in swedish you may want to view some pictures from the station.

    And our vehicles

    Best regards / Lars
  • Capkurt

    Well, it's not OK to be a Vikings fan anywhere! Just kidding, just a little bitter over our former savior:( I would venture a guess there are a few more Viking's fans around in that area of the state than just you. MN proximity and all. They have an awesome team this year with all the old vet's and the new stars they have. Out played the Pack in all aspects!
  • Jason Daoust

    Do you know when you guys will be hiring,my friend mike works with you
  • Jason Daoust

    That would be cool, what is his name and what is his time frame
  • Joseph McMahon

    Thanks Wally. Nice webpage you have. Thanks for the welcome...

  • WestPhilly

    Congratulations to the Arlington Cowboys. (Thank God the Eagles didn't lose to Dallas!)
  • WestPhilly

  • Loyd Dittfurth

    well Amarillo is a big town I got some friends there and my mom, brother, and lil sister live there