Jason McMahon

51, Male

Grantham/Springfield, NH

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Grantham Fire Dept, NH
Years With Department/Agency
2 1/2 yrs
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Wehtersfield FD, CT/ Lisbon FD, CT/ East Great Plain Norwich, CT
My Training:
I'm FFII 19yrs, EMT 16yrs, Hazmat Technician 4yrs, Rescue Technician 2yrs
Day Job:
Commodity Transportation Specialist
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
When I was about 5yrs @4am there was a fire two floors below our apartment in the building I lived in. Being outside watching the firefighters running in to put out the fire and seeing my first backdraft (not knowing thats what it was, just thought it was an explosion), and the firefighters still going in to check for people Really got me inspired.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It's what I do
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Financing, and funding, recruitment

Comment Wall:

  • Anita

    Thanks for the invite Jason love those CT firefighters
  • Rob

    Hey, goat boy.......
  • Melanie Bragdon

    Hey Jason..............have a safe day!
  • Joe Totero

    Hey, Brother! Thanks for the invite. Hope you're doing good. Stay safe & have a good weekend.
  • Kurt Kemmesies

    Whats up brother, thanks for the add.
  • Shelly

  • Jen

  • BunkerBabe

  • Lorri

    Hey Jason,

    Thanks for the compliment, at my age, I can use all of them I can get!!! Good genes from my Dad I guess....You be safe, Lorri
  • Marie

    thanks for the add :)

    stay safe,
  • Engineco913

    Hey bro, greetings from Southern RI
  • Alexandra Sutton-Pyle

    Memorial Day
  • Ryan Palmer

    Great bunch of guys. Very Busy in the winter with I89. Best part is they have a station in Grantham and in Eastman. Only bad part is they have an ambulance but have a non transport licnese.
  • james

    no i dont sorry
  • Heather

    Wow You are my neighbor! New Hampshire!!! Stay Safe.
  • Irons38

    I will let them know you said hello. Stay Safe
  • Lisa

    Hi there... thanks for the add.... so do you live in springfield... I have friends there .... so you saw some moose there city boy! Take care
  • james

    jason i would like to see your truck in person that way i can decide if i would like the little led lights you have on the side
  • james

    friday is good for me also maybe if you in claremont we could meet at walmart around whatever time is good for you i can give you my cell number you can call when you get to walmart ok 603-558-5844 james thank you
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Jason! Thanks for the add...just stopped by to say hey. Are you interested in swapping a patch? Stay low and safe!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Thanks Jason! My address is:

    Daniel Garvin
    4399 Viau Street
    Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
    H9H 3B1

    Please send me your address so I can get one off to you. Thanks again and please remember to stay safe!

  • Samantha

    thanks for the pic comment. You can never be to picky about a man's height, it has nothing to do with them, after all, they can't help it
  • Brittany

    that kind of made no since lol :) but its cool how are you!!!
  • Lisa

    driving cross country where you going????? Its been quiet here of course we just added a new ambulance! Is there a guy named Ron on your Dept I think thats his name we went to EMT class together.. you stay safe too and let me know about this cross country trip... better not be from Grantham to Springfield.....lol