
33, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
a little over 2years for ems and a couple of months in fire
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Nothing at very moment
Years With Department/Agency
clearly none yet
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
I used to be apart of Orange Countys rescue squad. And I am now in the process of joining fire/rescue with Zion Cross Roads.:)
My Training:
EMT-B and now I have my FF1.
About Me:
I am an 18 year old senior in high school. I am in the US AIRFORCE. I am am signed to be Special police in the AF, I am to ship off for boot camp July 13 next year. I love to help people, ride roller coasters, read, go to the club, and sleep. I am 5"3', a blonde with green eyes, I'm training in order to be fit and ready for boot camp.
Day Job:
High School...
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Desire to help others! I plan on spending the rest of my life in careers that are based on helping others by way of the medical field, and EMS was just a class that I figured would help me get into the college of my choice. I never planned in falling in love with it, but I'm glad I did.......and throught the EMS class I found the FireFighting class that I am now in......
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I get to really truely help people, and I've made so many friends in this field....
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Not enough experience from my point of view, and not enough bed side manner.

Comment Wall:

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  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Jenelle! Wanna trade a patch?? Stay safe out there OK??

  • steven

    i like your new pics i think u look cute in srry i havent txted you.. i ran out of minutes..when i get a phone card i will txt u i ppromise..maybe i can call you again when your alone..well ttyl!
  • Kyle Taylor 1552

    hey thanks
  • Kyle Taylor 1552

    thanks sista lol
  • Kyle Taylor 1552

    hey thanks i appreciate it....
  • Kyle Taylor 1552

    do you have aim
  • Kyle Taylor 1552

    nah lol doesnt matter haha
  • Kyle Taylor 1552

    eighteen what about you lol
  • Kyle Taylor 1552

    thats beat lol
  • Kyle Taylor 1552

    what part of virginia do you live. i live in ridgeway


    Thank you for welcoming me. I have been in the fire service since June 1976 and it's been a great adventure. I also just retired after 21+ years as a police officer. I think having the opportunity of being in both emergency services gave me a front row seat to experience the greatest show on earth !!! I would advise you to take as much training as you can. Also, you are never too old to learn. After 32 years, I still take training classes. Best of luck in your endeavors and stay safe.
  • Jared Lelaidier

    Hwo are you doin.
  • Wilsy

    hey ya it has been i've been really busy lately, what have you been up to?
  • FETC

    Good morning. I see you are online. How are things today?
  • Jim

    Thanks and greetings from sub zero White Lake! I've have had Ice Rescue Training; have you? Request it for your department, it may come in handy, since the season is at hand.
    I'll be adding variuos pictures soon.
  • FETC

    Good for you, hope you are taking as many classes as possible for your choice of careers. Keep in touch...
  • Wilsy

    Not much a lot of hockey we have 3 games left until the playoffs start.
  • Michael

    thanks for the add an comm. comment all you want. so tell me a little about you?
  • 163 GHOST

    hey what up from sonora mexico
  • dusty sparks

    hay just wont to say that i injoy the pics and i all so add you
  • steven

    hey hey its just me id figure id write to ya since u wont wright to me lol j/k yea this sucks cause i lost my phone yesterday "2-9-09" i think its over Torrys im not sure. But yea oh well ill tlk to ya when I get my cell back kk..Latea!! W/B PLZ!!!!!!!!1!
  • Paul Montpetit

    I really don't believe that you asked a stupid question like that.......Paul
  • Robert

    Extraordinary Career. Extraordinary People.

    We are offering opportunities for full pay and benefits WHILE WE TRAIN YOU to become a professional Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician! These entry level positions require no previous experience. Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school. A GED is acceptable.

    Our 450 career men and women Firefighters/Emergency Medical Technicians are dedicated to protecting lives. Few careers can offer such a challenging and meaningful mission in an atmosphere of teamwork and camaraderie. Prince William County, VA, pop. 380,000, is a large and diverse community located 35 miles southwest of Washington, D. C. We are a growing organization with tremendous learning and promotional opportunities.

    If selected, we provide a competitive minimum salary of $44,086 and exceptional benefits. For Advanced Life Support certification, we provide an additional $5,291/year incentive pay plus per hour supplement pay. Annual retention supplements are also offered. Employees are eligible for up to $5,000/year tuition reimbursement, and we offer a stipend for individuals who are bilingual English/Spanish. We offer an excellent benefits package with additional retirement options for Firefighters/Emergency Medical Technicians.

    Please visit our web site at and click on “Career Opportunities.” You will find our short employment application form which can be submitted online. Apply now if you are ALS for a July hire (15 positions). Apply now at any level for a Jan 2010 hire. (30 positions)

    We train and pay you at the same time. Start your career now.

    Email mail if you have any questions.
  • Robert

    Want a job with Fire and rescue? Send me an email back or check our
  • Jorge Noblecilla

  • Robert

    I am just giving you a heads up so you can plan. It takes about 6 months of a process to get hired. I know you are only a Junior but wanted you to know possible options down. The road. Stay safe.
  • N.Y fire fighter Lt. #503

    Hello, the reason i asked you to add me is ,i cant stress hop important it is to wear your seat belt.And now with prom season coming around the corner .I will keep sending this message out to all you .It only takes a second for your hole life to change .And as ambition as you are ,i would hate to hear anything happen to you . Be safe out there ,it may not be you ,it may be the other driver's. Your fire fighter brother Lt.Chris
  • Joshua

    wow good aspirations, how do you like being in the fire service?
  • Joshua

    well i've been doing the ems side for two years, and i love that, but the fire fighting side is great too. and its great because most of the fire fighting stuff involves ems a lot, not just fighting fires.
  • Joshua

    haha you're not being rude, i'm 19 about to turn 20.
  • Joshua

    lol yeah and i just got back from spring break, which i spent trying to an ambulance for my school rescue squad, so i was a bit busy.
  • Chuck Gunter

    Im good. Whats up?
  • Don Vuletic

    saw your post and from rookie to senior firefighter we all make mistakes, some big some small. We are not perfect and with the changes in the fire service in more 30 plus years I do make mistakes. You will stumble and learn, but more respect will come when you admit it and correct it. I love teaching rookies, thier fun, and in five, ten years thier officers (some of them). Dont ket anyone get you down with comments. Good Luck
  • Raymund Niere

    Hey there jen, it's nice you've started in quite an early age, but anyway, there's no young or old when it comes to helping others. Just alway's stay safe out there.
  • Tinkerbell

    Why Tinkerbell? At the start of our SAR training - I had this "idea." I've always had a Gremlin bell hanging off my Jeep. It's a "Harley thing," where you hang one from your bike to keep the "road devils" free and clear so they don't mess with your ride. I had ordered two more since mine fell off after a few years. But then I thought, "Why not give one to my partner?" Both for luck, and also for a bit of added "awareness" (constant "audible presence" and awareness so my partner and I could hear each other in the blackout situation). One of our instructors got a complete kick out of it (well, they ALL did), and said, "We have a coupled of TINKERBELLS." The "genius" idea being mine, I acquired a nickname - our whole Engine Company was "renamed" Engine Company Tinkerbell. One of them got cowbells we had to attach to our ropes. I was not put off one bit. I can take a joke... And I also thought, "We'll USE these!" After our consumption course training we had SAR and RIT. They split us up from our partners (the whole class at once) and in a blackout situation we had to find our partner and find our way out of the structure. Well, I stayed in one location and began hammering that cowbell. It was chaos with everybody yelling for their partner at the same time... Mine had only to hear/recognize/follow that cowbell. In less than a minute we evacuated - by far the fastest evac in the structure. "Thank you, Mr. Instructor!" lol The "joke" I was able to use to our advantage. But from that day on I had earned the name Tinkerbell. We always have had those bells on our helmets since then. My Conway has acquired several Tinkerbell stickers, and my Myspace page quickly got Tinkerbell pics attached to comments... And you know what? I'm comfortable with my "masculinity" and I dig every bit of it. I've come to realize that, in all actuality, Tinkerbell is pretty damn HOT. lol So along with the usual fire collectibles we decorate our houses with, I've collected a lot of "Tinkerbell gifts" from fellow firefighters. She's on my Jeep, on my placemat - and my next tattoo will feature her with a wand instead of a firehouse, sprinkling me with her protection. In a nutshell, that's my "gig" with Tinkerbell. I take all ribbing with a grain of salt, and always have used everything to my advantage, if possible. Now, I've a complete affection for that hot little Disney Fairy. I've received some VERY zesty looking Tinkerbell additions to my collection. She doesn't take away from my Man Card - if anything she makes me proud to be her associate. lol. And it wasn't rude to ask. A lot of people from different agencies do a double-take when they see this firefighter with Tinkerbell stickers on his helmet (I even had a small plastic Tink attached to the medallion on my leather helmet badge, which RIP'd in a burn). Many know the "story," and a few have even asked for some Tinkerbell stickers for THEIR helmet. I give the same one to all (a "protection Tinkerbell") and they dig it! It's by no means as sexy as MY assortment of Tink stickers, but it's a symbolism of us having done a good call together, or as a gesture of comraderie.

    Kinda long, but THAT'S the answer, Jenelle. It IS kinda weird for people who don't know the story and come to my place and see Tinkerbell crap everywhere! lol... I'm sure they might think, "This guy has a different sort of fetish" until they hear the story. I think it's awesome the way people earn a "nickname" or other sort of association. And I've gotta say, they chose the hottest possible "mascot" in what they initally thought was a joke. I'm indebted to 'em all. ;) One of our awesome vets, Mike Butler, gives people a reflective shamrock when they earn his trust/respect. I kinda do the same with my Tink stickers.

    I suppose that WASN'T such a "brief explanation," but is one even possible? lol Thanks for the welcome, and hope to see ya 'round.

  • Dennis Brown

    Hi Jenelle con grats on passing your FF1 may you nail ff2 good luck
  • FETC

    Just checking into say Hey...
  • tmfd firefighter 1171

    want to be my friend
  • adel

    My name is Adel and I am trying to figure out what products are best for female firefighters. I have worked as a firefighter for only three years so I am just getting started. Currently I am a student at Eastern algerinne University in in the Fire & Safety Engineering Technology Program. Although I have only been a firefighter for three years I have had my fair share of small gloves that were still too big and pants that went up to my belly button! I was wondering if you could take the time out of your busy schedule to share some of your favorite/best fitting/most functional products for female firefighters. Weather it’s an awesome fitting pair of pants, A polo shirt that has sleeves that do not go down to your elbows, a pair of great gloves, or boots that have an awesome fit. It would be greatly appreciated if you could share your opinions with me. Thank you very much. Please feel free to e-mail me back at or leave me a commentDelete Comment
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  • Sam Smith

    hey there just sayin hey from reisterstown Md
  • Chris Dodson

  • Jason R


    hi Jenelle, are you fine girl? ok, I am very busy last 3 month, I have a plan to go to UK for study in Morton collage. give me feedback...

    hi hi hi

    Thanks for the add,good luck in everthing that you do-- TCSS--CHRIS

    Thanks for the add good luck-- TCSS-CHRIS
  • Sgt. Joseph Borda

    Thanks for the add.
    Warm Greetings from the Island of Malta


  • Ralphy

    it has been a long time, i cant even remember the last time i logged into ffnation, i really dont get on her much anymore so if you want you can look me up on facebook or myspace. for facebook just look up robert fitzgerald, for myspace you gotta look up pimpin chicken. so hope everything is going well for you
  • greg thomas

    i am doing good how are you?
  • frank george
