Evelynn De La Vega

45, Female



Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Years in Fire/EMS:
2 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Benemérito Cuerpo de Bomberos Municipales de Guatemala
Years With Department/Agency
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship

Comment Wall:

  • Bull

    Welcome to the Nation
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Evelynn, welcome to the Nation. I am glad you dropped in to join the group. Dont be shy just jump in anywhere and get your feet wet. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Takes a bit to kinda figure it all out but you will be glad you did. Have fun and look around.

    Chief William Sharp
    Southern Oregon Coast
  • AFD

    Welcome to FFN :o)
    have a good week.

    welcome to this big family
    be safe & have fun
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hello Evelynn, Just wanted to drop by and say hello! Do you trade patches by any chance? Stay safe out there.

  • Brian Hayes

    Welcome to this great brother and sister hood
  • Sean Marshall

    Hey Evelynn! Welcome to FFN from way up north!! Take care and stay safe!!
  • Dennis Brown

    Welcome to ffn Evelynn be safe out there from new jersey
  • jack lambert

    welcome to ffn from new brunswick canada
  • Chan Rivera

    hi welcome to ffn from NY
  • firemanrichie

    hello from the usa ,
    do you collect or trade fire and ems patches ? .
    i would be happy to trade for your departments patch.
  • Deanna

    Welcome to the family, Sister! Big hello from Missouri.
  • Jeremy Bolster

    welcome to the nation, be safe.
  • Allen

    Welcome to the Nation Evelynn From San Antonio, TX, Stay safe and let me know if you ever need anything.
  • Cameron Monroe, Captain, Argyle

    welcome from Argyle NY
  • Cameron Monroe, Captain, Argyle

    Glad to see you in FFNation Hope u like it- Thanks for the add
  • Jose Gomez

    Nice to find, people with the same likes
  • Paper-City Jake964

    how are things in guatamala.
  • Jose Gomez

    Hola, Evelyn que detalle, gracias por el comentario!!!
  • Eric Mathis

    Thank you
  • Eric Mathis

  • Juan Loya, Jr.

    Hola me gustaria cambiar parches de la ciudad por la que trabaja usted por la que trabajo yo. Yo estoy con el departamento de bomberos de la ciudad de McAllen Tejas en los estados unidos.
  • david allen short

    hello how arr u
  • david allen short

    good just sit in around the fire house
  • Dale Barker

    Well to FN from NNY USA
  • Yagoub A. Yagoub

    hi eve how are you

    this is my great rescue training
  • adel

    Hi there by the looks of your pictures the road didnot fair well hope it all back up for you hey take care stay safe
  • Adam Mathis

    like ur pic
  • ffemt19

    Hi Evelynn,

    I'm very sorry to here from your los.

  • Bill McGuire

    hello from Ohio evelynn
  • adel

  • adel

    c n tlf 213 772 62 32 45 msn adel_pomper@htmail.com
  • adel

    My name is Adel and I am trying to figure out what products are best for female firefighters. I have worked as a firefighter for only three years so I am just getting started. Currently I am a student at Eastern algerinne University in in the Fire & Safety Engineering Technology Program. Although I have only been a firefighter for three years I have had my fair share of small gloves that were still too big and pants that went up to my belly button! I was wondering if you could take the time out of your busy schedule to share some of your favorite/best fitting/most functional products for female firefighters. Weather it’s an awesome fitting pair of pants, A polo shirt that has sleeves that do not go down to your elbows, a pair of great gloves, or boots that have an awesome fit. It would be greatly appreciated if you could share your opinions with me. Thank you very much. Please feel free to e-mail me back at adel_pomper@hotmail.com or leave me a comment
  • Randy Soard

    please visit my site www.facesofthebrave.com I would like your help in distributing this artwork to the world. Please respond to me at randysoard@hotmail.com